“I’m sure you will.”
She grimaced. “You could havetriedto sound more convincing, Master.”
“If I had,” he argued, “what would be the fun in that?”
Before his pet could think up a retort, he changed the subject, asking soberly, “Have you seen anything unusual lately?”
She frowned. “You mean, about...” She wasn’t sure if she could say it out loud and so she continued in her mind,Are you talking about visions?
He nodded.
No. I’ve tried touching every surface to have a feel—-
A laugh escaped him.It doesn’t work like that, pet. It starts with a color. Remember when we were at the tunnels and you told me the first thing you could see was just black?
She cried out,You mean the whole time I’ve forced myself to touch the soil at the graveyard—-
He laughed harder.
“Master, you should have told me!”
He protested innocently, “I thought you’d have figured it out.”
He was about to say something more, probably something that would either have her gnashing her teeth or blushing and wishing he was far, far away again, when someone called his name.
Both of them turned around, and Zari saw the headmaster of La Scala Legaturia walking hurriedly towards them, an amazed expression on his chubby face. She had always thought that all headmasters of nonhuman schools like LSL would have long white hair, a beard, and an air of wisdom. However, Sir Richard was the complete opposite. Balding with gray hair, short, and chubby, the headmaster more often tripped than not—-
“I am so glad to be able to reach you, Master Alexandru—-” A look of horror crossed Sir Richard’s face as he managed to missseeing the huge warning about the wet floor in front of him and started to slide.
—-like now.
Both Zari and Alexandru reached for the headmaster, and they each managed to catch a hold of his arms, preventing him from falling.
“Are you all right, Sir Richard?” Alexandru asked, only releasing the man’s arm when the headmaster had finally regained his balance.
Sir Richard smiled sheepishly as he took out his handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his brow. “My apologies, Master Alexandru. Old age, you know.”
Zari wisely held her tongue despite knowing age had nothing to do with it since Sir Richard was immortal like her Master. The headmaster had his pride, too, after all.
Most other pets would have laughed at the headmaster’s lame excuse, buthispet didn’t, and his eyes gleamed in approval at Zari’s sensitivity. In the ways that mattered, Zari definitely promised to be the best human pet he could ever ask for.
To the headmaster, he said congenially, “I understand, Sir Richard.” He didn’t say anything else, simply waiting for the other man to speak.
Sir Richard glanced at Zari.
Zari automatically said, “May I be excused, Master Alexandru?”
You are getting better and better at this, pet.
The sheer amount of happiness she felt at the compliment made Zari want to hang her head in shame. Dear Lord, she was hopeless. Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless!
Out loud, Alexandru said formally, “Of course. Please wait for me at the courtyard.”
“Yes, Master Alexandru.” She managed to remember to curtsy before leaving.
In her mind, she heard her Master remark in mock amazement,Are my eyes deceiving me? Did you actually remember to curtsy?
She pressed her lips together firmly, not wanting to smile.Not funny, Master.