A bad man, my Master, but he definitely knew how to not make his pet feel lonely.

A knock sounded on the door. “Lady Zari? I’ve been asked to remind you that classes are to start at seven in the morning. Do you need me to help you with anything?”

The words had me reaching for my robe. Today, a brand new chapter in my life would start. Alexandru and even my parents had risked many things to keep me alive, and it was a gift I was determined not to waste.

I glanced at the mirror mounted on the wall next to the bed and practiced smiling. I didn’t want anyone to think that I was so childish and unprofessional, pining away for my Master, even if it was true.

“Lady Zari?”

Tightening the robe’s sash around my waist, I called out, “Coming!”

A voice slipped inside my head, familiar and sly.Coming? Are you really coming, pet? Does that mean you’re touching yourself?

I tripped on my way to the door.