“I saw her potential right away,” he finished without missing a beat. “She will make me the perfect human pet.” His gaze slid to mine, his eyes just as sly. “Correct, pet?”

“Yes, Master.” I had to choke the words out even though I was itching to yell at him for being so darn mean.

Our hands remained entwined as we followed behind Madame Lavinia. The contact between us kept me from panicking, but I would rather hang myself than admit it.

An expansive cobbled road led straight to the school, reminding me of my Master’s earlier explanation about the “training” that I would receive if I were admitted.

Next to the thick, tall walls securing the property was a gatehouse, and when we went inside, I realized that it served as an admission center of sorts for the school. My heart became heavy with insecurities. Could I really make it here?

“Please make yourself comfortable while I get the paperwork ready,” Madame Lavinia said, gesturing to the receiving area before leaving us.

Looking around, I had expected the whole place to look like a kinky fantasy come to life, but so far, everything was just vast and tastefully decorated. This room, for instance, strongly resembled a hotel lobby, with its creamy stenciled wallpaper, carpeted floor, and elegant furniture.

My Master sat on one of the leather couches. When I started for the armchair next to him, he shook his head.

“Where do you want me to sit?”

He patted his lap.

My eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

I couldn’t help it. I demanded again, “Are you really serious?”

“Oh dear.” The words had me whirling around and I saw Madame Lavinia on the doorway, a look of dismay on her kind face. “You should never question your Master, young Zari. That is one of the most sacred rules for human pets.”

“Umm...” I could feel my Master’s smile stretching to a smirk behind me.

“If your Master wants you to sit on his lap, you should be grateful for such a sign of affection. It only means he cherishes your company.”


Her hands made a flapping wave towards Alexandru’s direction, as if silently urging me to do as he asked.

Slowly, I turned around to face my Master.

As expected, he was smiling ever so beautifully...and ever so slyly.

Heat burst in my cheeks, but knowing that resistance was pointless, I slowly made my way to him. When I was just an inch away, I waited, hoping he’d just tug me to his lap so I wouldn’t have to do it myself.

But of course, my hatefully contrary Master wasn’t the type to make things easy for me. Instead, he stayed still, a mockingly patient expression on his face.

“Zari?” Madame Lavinia asked, her tone bewildered.

Cringing in mortification, I slowly lowered myself on his lap, back ramrod straight. I stared straight ahead, knowing that if I caught sight of my Master’s sly smile, it would only get me blushing harder. That or strangle him. It could be either.

Madame Lavinia sighed in relief. “There, there. I’m so glad you’re not as stubborn as the other First-Mades.” Taking the couch opposite us, she sat down and handed each of us a folder. “Please take your time answering this.”

She directed a questioning glance to my Master. “Would you like a moment of privacy while you fill this out?”

“If it wouldn’t be so much trouble, please.”

“Nothing is too much trouble for you, my dear,” the older woman said warmly.

When she left, my Master’s fingers drifted against the small of my back, which I now knew was his way of telling me he wanted my complete attention. “Read the forms, pet. I’m sure you’ll have questions.”

I glanced down at the form. The first line told me that he was right. I would have questions – a lot of them.