It was her Master's voice speaking in her mind, his words beating in her heart.
Please, Rhapsody.
His voice was raw with regret, and it hurt to hear her Master plead.
I want you to see those two years that I believed you despised me. It is the only reason why I asked Sir Isaac to do what he can to seek another heartkeeper for you. I did it for you. And last night, when you came to me wearing another man's scent, my demon half took was only when I spoke to the others that I found out that a blood bond was necessary to complete the heartkeeping process.
Why did you never do it,she asked painfully.
I've told myself that I was doing it for you, but now I know. It was for me. Because if you chose to leave me, and we were already bonded by would have killed me to hear your thoughts about another man, loving someone who was not me.
Her Master's voice turned scratchy with emotions, and because he had allowed her to see into his soul and take possession of his memories, she knew that such a thing had never happened to him before...just like she had never found herself crying until now.
I love you, Rhapsody. That is the long and short truth of it.
Because for both of them, it was as Lady Aurora said.
All I ask is one last chance.
It was love when it hurt too much to be anything else.
The sound of her voice, frail and tremulous as it was, told Mihail that Rhapsody had made up her mind.
Slowly, he lifted his head. The first thing he saw was her eyes, and the marquis' powerful chest shook when he saw that her gaze was no longer blank. It was soft and lustrous once again,but this time it wasn't merely because of desire. Both of them were done hiding now, and he had no doubt the love in her eyes was reflected by his own gaze.
But still...he had to ask. "You forgive me for being a fool?" Had to be fucking sure, because if she still doubted him the slightest, he wouldn't fucking hesitate to think of more proof to convince her of his feelings.
And when he saw Rhapsody shake her head—-
The marquis whitened.Had he misunderstood her then?Was he only seeing what he wanted to see, and her eyes weren't looking at him with love?
Around them, he could feel the others stirring and shifting in acute discomfort.None of them had probably envisioned him being rejected, he thought numbly,and were now clueless on whether to leave politely or stay on to witness his end.
"You were never a fool."
"If you were, I would never be able to love you."
His lips compressed to form a straight line, his only way to keep himself from smiling.
"I am not like you, I'm afraid," Rhapsody apologized sincerely. "I am not attracted to what'sNot Normal."
The marquis glanced at their audience. They had come to his aid without hesitation when he needed them the most. This was theleast he owed them, and so he inclined his head, saying dryly, "It's fine. I won't take offense—-"
Laughter rang out even before he finished speaking, and even the wolves howled with them.
Rhapsody turned curious eyes to her Master. "I must have missed something." Her dark eyes peered up at him. "And it seems you know what it is."
"I do."
"It's funny?"
"Extremely," he said without hesitation, and another round of laughter ensued.