"If you do not stop now," he warned thickly, "you will end up drinking my seed."

But still her head continued to move.

Fucking mother of Hell.

Rhapsody saw the marquis' eyes squeeze shut just as the fingers clutching her head tightened...

And then she felt it.

His cock wildly twitching inside her mouth as sticky, salty semen shot down her throat.

A moan escaped her even as she instinctively started sucking on her Master's ejaculating cock.


Her Master's tone was savage, and the shoving plunges of his manhood even more so. It was so very clear that he had lost control, her Master lost in the pleasure of her mouth around his cock...

His orgasm seemed to go on and on so that her knees were slightly aching by the time she felt him finally pull out.It was done, she thought. She had succeeded in pleasuring her Master with her mouth, and the thought had her absently running her tongue over her lips—-

The marquis saw this and was unable to control himself.

A gasp was startled out of Rhapsody when the marquis suddenly lifted her up to his lap. She glanced up but wasn't able to say a thing, with the marquis' mouth already hungrily covering hers in a hard, moist kiss that had her breasts painfully swelling and moisture gushing out of her channels.

When the marquis lifted his head, she had thought it was all over, but instead he had lifted her up to place her back on her seat just before sinking to his knees.

Her skirts were thrown up, layers of muslin temporarily going all the way over her head.

What on earth...

She hastily pushed them off, but just as her head emerged, it was then she felt the marquis ripping her drawers off and pulling her slick folds wide open.

Rhapsody whimpered at the way he was stretching her wide open. "Maaaaaster..." She ended up moaning it out loud, with the way the marquis had started running his tongue down her folds. It was wicked and beautiful, and oh, how it was driving her crazy!

Her head fell back against the carriage wall as the marquis threw her legs over his broad shoulders. His tongue swept over her folds...and then it was plunging inside of her without warning, and she gasped anew while her fingers moved clumsily until she was gripping his head.

His tongue was thrusting in and out of her womanhood, every plunge making her burn hotter and hotter, until she felt fit to explode and could only writhe in agonized pleasure. Her hips began moving, thrusting up as her Master moved his wonderful mouth to that nub of flesh. Licking. Nipping. And when he started sucking hard—-

Her pleasure gushed out in an instant, her body shuddering with every hot, creamy rush of essence flowing out of her womanhood.

A taste of heaven, Rhapsody thought drowsily as her eyes began to droop. Being with her Master this way was like tasting heaven, and...

"We have a problem, milord," she whispered as the marquis fixed her skirts and ran his fingers through her locks in an effort to make her appear less ravished.

Mihail pulled back to study his pet's lovely face, and her uneasy expression had him frowning. "What's wrong?"

"It doesn't seem to be working," his pet answered with a frown of her own. "You say I shall eventually become used to this activity, and that I will lose interest, but what happened here in this carriage..." Her nose wrinkled in a rare display of vexation. "It has achieved the opposite, I'm afraid."

Understanding finally dawned, and the marquis found himself in now-familiar territory as he sought to overcome the urge to smile. "Do you mean to say," he asked gently, "recent circumstances have only served to...increase your interest?"

"I cannot even stop wondering about when is it to happen again," Rhapsody revealed unhappily.

Mihail simply had to crack a smile at that.

His pet saw this, though, and her frown darkened. "Tis not a laughing matter, milord."

"I apologize, milady." The marquis swiftly exerted every effort to wipe the offending smile off his lips. "And as for this matter—-"

"Problem," Rhapsody felt the need to emphasize.