Despite her lovely face remaining utterly blank, he could readily imagine the gears of her mind once again working overtime, with his pet assiduously filing this interaction for future reference.

Master making me fall for no reason = bed play.

The thought had the marquis overcome with the urge to laugh, but because he was not the type to do such a thing, he made a show of coughing instead.

His pet was instantly concerned. "Are you alright, Master?"

Mother of Hell,but he could easily jack off every time she called him that. Cupping her chin, he wordlessly pulled her close to plunder her mouth, and his pet, an apt pupil, right away wrapped her arms around his neck and eagerly kissed him back.

It had not been like this right away, of course. When he had woken her earlier, she had actually been stiff, pale, and apprehensive, and drawing from the years he had known her through their letters, he had calmed her down by appealing to that part of her which took her responsibilities seriously.It is a pet's noble duty to overcome her inhibitions,he had told hergravely, and the trick actually worked, with the way her body had visibly relaxed and color once again bloomed in her cheeks. And once she had seen the rightness of it...

Mother fucking bliss.

Like now.

Rhapsody was clutching his shoulders as she pushed her own sweet tongue into his mouth, and the knowledge that she wanted him as much as he did had Mihail's cock going from erect to painfully, desperately engorged in an instant. Knowing that her pussy was still bare under his shirt, he grasped her hips, and as her startled eyes flew to his, he asked her hoarsely, "Are you still sore?"

She shook her head.

"Good." He pulled her down and impaled her in an instant.


Rhapsody's body arched in surprise even as she felt her inner muscles immediately tighten around her Master's cock like a vise. She was already soaking wet and helplessly under the control of her basest urges . This new position of lovemaking was making her head spin, but it also had her hips moving on its own...almost as if she were riding him!

The wonder that dawned on his pet's face didn't escape the marquis' notice. "You like this," he rasped.

"Yes." His pet's voice came out breathless, her eyes lustrous with wanton desire.

"Tell me how much," he urged.

"V-Very much—-aah!"Rhapsody couldn't help crying out when the marquis suddenly reached for that pearly bud of flesh hidden under her folds and began to stroke. She lost her balance in her excitement, her body falling against him, and the marquis chuckled, a rich and sinful sound that made her breasts ache and another moan ripple out of her throat.

"Master, please—-"

Mihail clasped her hips.

Rhapsody gasped.

She was bouncing...on him.

Like having this big, pulsing stallion between her legs, galloping in and out of her moist walls.

A keening cry escaped her, but this only had her Master moving faster, his powerful hips surging up to drive his cock deeper into her pussy.

"I just remembered," the marquis panted. "You were telling me earlier...about something?"

"I...I..." Rhapsody struggled to keep her wits. "I was only thinking..." She was distracted when the marquis reached inside her shirt - well, his shirt actually - and scoop her breast out. "We are..." The marquis started palming her breast, and she swallowed hard. "Indeed..."

Bending his head, the marquis took her nipple into his mouth and began sucking.

"Sexually compatible!"And now Rhapsody, too, was panting.

Mihail momentarily stopped worshipping her sweet, succulent breast at the words. "Youdoubtedit?"

"Y-Yes."Rhapsody could barely get the word out, the pleasure of straddling her Master and riding his cock making it difficult to think. Oh, she just couldn't get enough, just couldn't. She just had to...

Things were beginning to make sense, but when his pet suddenly leaned forward to cup his face and kiss him, her tongue darting inside his mouth to tangle with his—-