No, no, no.To write such words would be akin to begging for his lordship's pity, and that wouldnotdo. Her Master was an exceptionally kindhearted man. He would never set himself free of her if he believed his departure would cause her the slightest bit of sorrow.

It shames me to admit that I Did Not Completely Understand the duties and responsibilities of being your pet andheartkeeper. It was only when I witnessed the interactions between Lady Zari and LordAlexandru, your brother, that I realized how Grossly Mistaken I was about my role.

Rhapsody nearly gagged at what she wrote and quickly flipped to the next page in a rare fit of frustration. Why, it was almost as if she was begging her Master to prove her wrong - when that was not the case at all!

She knew - and had long accepted - that she wasnotthe kind of girl men would fall in love with, and most especiallynotmen like her most precious Master.

Vainly she had waited for her Master to break the contract between them, as what was only proper, but two years had already passed, and still she remained under his care.

It was as if her Master was prepared to suffer for her shortcomings, and Rhapsody could not in good conscience allow such a thing to happen. This letter should ensure that her Master would find someone better. Or at least it should do so...if she could only figure out just what to write exactly.

Dear Master,

It has long been made clear to me by A Credible Source that I am Without the Necessary Womanly Assets to properly Stir A Gentleman's Interest. It is therefore best that his lordship—-

Rhapsody's head snapped up as an unexpected sound interrupted the silent stillness of the air around her.

Someone was coming.

AWARENESS RIPPLED THROUGHthe gaggle of breathless young ladies the moment the Marquis of Sangre strode into view.

Tall and strikingly virile, the dark-haired nobleman had a punishingly autocratic air about him that appealed to the ladies' innate desire to be dominated. They loved how the marquis' lethally sculpted muscles were prominently defined against the sophisticated cut of his overcoat, and oh, how their secret parts quivered at his swoonworthy looks, which were as harsh as they were immaculate in its perfection.

Dark, arrogant brows arched over sinfully long lashes and eyes an arresting shade of green. A patrician nose that was an ideal match for the marquis' bronzed, high-paned cheeks and masculine jaw, which was marginally softened by the firm, sensual curves of his lips.

When the marquis' impatient gaze swept over them, the girls couldn't help holding their breaths and hope for the improbable.Oh, but could it be?Could the most powerful vampire in the world possibly be acquire a pet of his own?

A moment later, however, the marquis had swung his back to the crowd, and the girls could only sigh in disappointment as they watched him stalk in the direction of the school's graveyard.

Indifferent to the amount of attention he was attracting, Mihail worked hard to rein his temper in even as his lips tightened in resolute displeasure.Her scent had changed, he thought broodingly,and in such a way that he absolutely did not approve of.

Still in her trail, he soon found himself going down a stony pathway that weaved through marble tombstones and gravemarkers in the shape of angels and gargoyles. That Rhapsody seemed to favor spending her leisure time at a place where the dead slept, he didn't give a damn. That her scent, however, was now tainted...

Damn her.

His mood grew blacker, and he deliberately allowed his footsteps grow ominously heavy. He wanted her to know he was coming. Wanted—-

Mihail's steps came into an abrupt halt the moment she finally came into view.


His pet and heartkeeper, in the flesh, and white-hot desire struck him like a fucking flash of lightning at his first glimpse of her. His groin had tightened to the point of agonizing pleasure, and his mind had gone completely blank, all thoughts of reprimanding her completely buried under an almost excruciating sense of need.

His hungry gaze ran over her sylph-like form even as he had to clench his fists against the most basic and savage desire to jerk her into his arms and fuck her then and there.

Mother of Hell, but she was perfect.

Long, sable-black hair that seemed made for his fingers to grip. Creamy, ivory skin that appeared to beg for his marks, and an exquisite form of slenderness that would be a challenge for him not to break as his thick, hard cock ruined her pussy.

Her beauty was tormentingly exquisite; she was everything he secretly fantasized her to be, and her voice, once it came out,was also every fucking thing Mihail had imagined. Lace-soft and hauntingly serene, it was the sound of unawakened sensuality hidden under a provocative cloak of propriety as he heard her speak for the very first time.


Just one word, and Mihail already knew.

He would still let her go as planned...but not before claiming her maidenhood for himself.

RHAPSODY WATCHED THEmarquis stride towards her. This was her first time to see him in the flesh, and even without an aid of photographs or portraits - even if she were also to disregard the uncanny resemblance between him and his younger brother - she knew with absolute certainty that the too-beautiful man who had yet to take his gaze off her...