Lord Mihail Gheorgiu
Marquis of Sangre
To His Lordship
Marquis of Sangre
I have reached out to milady as soon as I received his lordship's letter, and it is with the deepest regrets that I must say we have an unfortunate situation.
Milady has apparently been harboring certain misassumptions about his lordship for some years. She appears to have been under the impression all this time that his lordship's physical countenance and, er, interests would be commensurate with what is normally expected from one who's had lived for centuries. To further elaborate, milord, her ladyship has assumed that your age would leave you disinterested in engaging in activities that are physical in nature. Instead, she believed that her primary responsibility as both pet and heartkeeper would be to provide his lordship with a healthy supply of high-quality blood through intravenous means.
Pray command me as you will on this matter, milord, and until then I remain your humble and loyal servant,
Sir Isaac Booth
To Sir Isaac Booth
Knight of Sangre
Correct me if I am wrong with this, Booth.
Are you saying Rhapsody believed she had been exchanging letters with a wrinkly old man all these years, and that being my heartkeeper was simply being on call for blood transfusions?
And now that she knows none of those is true, and that she has ample reason to assume my dick is still in working order, this is what has made my heartkeeper suddenly cold towards me?
To His Lordship
Marquis of Sangre
I'm afraid that is entirely correct, milord.
Sir Isaac Booth
To Sir Isaac Booth
Knight of Sangre
Part Two
Welcome to the
Kingdom of Chalys!
Booth's Island,
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Citizen # SA-RN-8095