A happy seventeenth birthday to you, milady. I hope you like the gift I have sent along with this letter. If there is anything else you wish for, you only have to let me know.
A vampire from Chalys
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your gift. Something such asThe Idiot's Guide to Mannersis exactly what I was hoping for but could not make myself ask.
Dear Rhapsody,
If you were any other girl, milady, I would have thought you sarcastic.
A vampire from Chalys
Dear Sir,
I am afraid the art of sarcasm still eludes me.
Dear Sir,
It has been sometime since your last letter. I hope all is well with you.
Dear Rhapsody,
I beg milady's forgiveness for causing you undue worry.
Demons from Sulphur have been doing their damnedest to stir up trouble in our land, and much had to be done to remind them that their presence remains unwelcome in Brimstone.
I write also to let you know that I have just received your gift, which was indeed the surprise you intended it to be. I have long considered myself too old to celebrate birthdays, but if it is your wish to commemorate this occasion, then it shall be so.
On another note, Sir Isaac informs me that you have moved on to the next phase of your studies. This means you have begun training for your duties as both my heartkeeper...and pet.
While I'm certain the reference materials your guardian has provided are more than sufficient in explaining the rudiments of the latter, pray allow me this chance to address the matter with my own words.
To become my pet means you will be providing me with your blood whenever I am in need of it. While you are obliged to call meMasterin public, it is entirely your choice if you wish to continue doing so in our private communications.
Some Masters are willing to share their pets with other vampires. This, however, is not something that will ever be expected of you. I shall be your only Master, and in return you alone shall be my pet. It is also very likely the only role you'll officially play in my life. While it would have been my greatest pleasure to acknowledge you as my heartkeeper, to do so shall only place a target on your head and put you in unnecessary danger.
I know it is not an ideal arrangement, but I give you my word that I only have your best interests in mind.
Yours to command,