Until the Duke of Brimstone returns from his own quest, I along with the rest of the Galeré must remain here to protect our territory. It is therefore imperative that you guard your tongue at all times and trust no one that I have not explicitly vouched for.
Her existence alone is a threat to many, and the distance between our kingdom and of the New World is too great for me to provide immediate aid. Hordes of demons will be at your doorstep, the instance it is known you have under your protection the woman destined to share her soul with me.
And lastly, before I end this letter I shall make use of the powers vested in me by birthright. I hereby elevate you to the rank of Knight and charge you to do right and do your duty as you ought.
In witness hereof I set my seal at Brimstone on Hallowmass Day.
Lord Mihail Gheorgiu
Marquis of Sangre
To His Lordship
Marquis of Sangre
Greeting and a ready will to do his lordship's pleasure:
It is with much regret that I inform his lordship of the passing of the young lady's mother, and as she has no remaining relation to claim responsibility for her keeping, I have applied for guardianship and said application was duly accepted.
However, the rules of our island are such that her ladyship, at sixteen years of age, has now the legal right to marry whoever she wishes without my consent. If his lordship would be so kind as to make known his desires regarding this matter, I shall endeavor to fulfill them with haste.
Believe me your most loyal and grateful servant while I live,
Sir Isaac Booth
To Sir Isaac
Knight of Sangre
Permission is hereby granted for you to speak the truth of our race. Convince her as you see fit, and know that time is of no consequence. I have lived this long waiting for my heartkeeper to present herself; the passing of more days, months, or years will make little difference.
Do you take care, however, not to cause her ladyship undue fright. Not a single drop of her precious blood must be spilled, nor a single strand of her hair harmed.
Impress upon her the need for secrecy, and it is best if her ladyship herself know not who I am save for the fact that I am a powerful vampire devoted to safeguarding her well-being.
If her ladyship shows signs of any misgivings about my intentions, convey to her my most heartfelt reassurance that I mean her no harm. She may write to me if she wills, or if her delicate sensibilities hinder her from doing such, then you may also receive her questions on my behalf, and I shall pass on my answers through you.
Fare thee well as I fare.
Lord Mihail Gheorgiu
Marquis of Sangre
To His Lordship
Marquis of Sangre
Because your humble servant knows that you especially desire to learn quickly the condition her ladyship is currently in, he humbly thinks it best and fitting to tarry not in informing you of the following:
Her ladyship has been duly informed of the matters concerning the nature and fate of the people of Sangre, and as befitting of one who shall be his lordship's future bride, she has displayed startlingly commendable fortitude in light of such revelations.
Furthermore, the young lady bids me to let his lordship know that she is most honored to be your heartkeeper and humbly accepts your invitation to exchange correspondence. Thus I enclose with this missive her ladyship's own letter, whose words are lovingly penned by her own hand.
It is with pleasure her ladyship now awaits your reply.
Given at one of the islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, on the third day of the month of January.
Sir Isaac Booth