“You won’t be able to make me speak of my visions—-”

She laughed again. “Ah, but that’s exactly why I want you dead. You, soul seer, are destined to see, but I don’t want you to see. And the only way to stop you from seeing is to kill you.”

It made perfect sense, even if it did involve my death. “If you want me dead, then why burn the school down?”

I could feel rather than see her smiling at my question, as if knowing that she’d cause so much death pleased her. “Why do you think, soul seer?” she taunted. “Can’t you see the reason?”

I shook my head.

A dark blur of movement and then I was screaming as I felt someone crouch behind me. Whispered words crawled into my ear. “See for yourself.”

Hands from the back crept forward and covered my entire face.

I saw.


It was the color of her hair, a beautiful shade that had everyone in the small village she was born to gasp in wonder for they had never seen such a thing.


It was her favorite color as she grew up because she realized it was the color of blood.


She was fifteen when she painted her entire village red, killing them all single-handedly. She invited everyone to supper, and they all came to celebrate the day she was born, not knowing that it would also be the day they would die. For everything had poison in it and one by one they dropped to the ground like flies.

When it was over, she slit their necks for the blood to run and turn the nearby river into the same shade of red. Then she threw her hands in the air and forsook God before throwing herself prostrate on the ground and offering her soul to the Devil.

There was no rhyme or reason to what made her evil.

Some people just were.

When she left, she thought it was all over. But she was wrong. A child had been left at home for her parents thought she was too young to join such celebrations. And so that savedher life. When she came to look for her parents found death surrounding her, she, too, fell to the ground, crying.

She prayed to God, asking Him to use her line to deliver justice.

And God said yes.

A day would come when one of her descendants would be His weapon, destined to deliver justice and put an end to the Red Witch.


Zari was in grave danger. His instincts told him so, and he had learned to trust it over the centuries. He searched for Katarina and found her dining with the enforcers. They were the only patrons in the restaurant, and the entire resort felt empty with all professors and students on their way back to the school.

“May I speak with you?” He wasn’t quite able to keep his voice from being harsh with worry.

“Yes, of course, my lord.” Katarina excused herself as she stood up. As they walked away from the table, she asked, “What is it?”

“How did your talk with Zari go?” He knew he wasn’t supposed to ask about it, but Alexandru thought it might give him a clue about where his pet was now. He had tried contacting her through their bond but while he could feel her presence, it was all he was able to glean.

She had effectively blocked him out, and she had never done that before.

Katarina appeared confused. “My...talk? But I haven’t seen her since we were all together.”

Alexandru whitened.

Zari? Answer me, Zari.