I almost didn’t answer, but in the end, I knew I had no right to withhold the truth. And so I whispered, “No.”

“Then I really may die.”


“And I have barely a week left?”

I nodded.

“Then...if that’s so...could you please give me Alexandru back while I’m still alive?”

Chapter Five


They set out early to hunt the next day, him and his pet, with Katarina to serve as their medic along with Erou and his team of enforcers. If anyone asked, the official answer was that Zari’s Master simply wanted her with him to ensure he was on hand if she ever fainted again.

He turned over his shoulder and saw Zari and the baby vampire talking in low whispers, their heads bent. His lips tightened. He was not the kind of man to stand by and just watch his pet, his woman – and Zari washis,will always be his – be seduced by another man.

But this was different.

She had been different, ever since she stepped out of the door, white-faced and unwilling to talk to him. Katarina had managed a smile for him, but her eyes were glassy. He had seen that look on her once, and it was the day before she had left him. She was hiding something from him again, and he had a feeling it was a secret she shared with Zari.

“Talk to me.” He sat on the edge of the tub, washing Zari’s back.

His pet only shook her head.

“Don’t make me force it out of you.”

“I’ll hate you forever if you do.” She looked up at him, and he was stunned to see in her eyes that she did mean it.

But he saw something else, too.


And that was when he realized the demon already had its claws in its next victim.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hunter.” His voice was chilly as he acknowledged Katarina even before turning to look at her.

Katarina winced. “Ouch.”

He knew it was an attempt to regain their old camaraderie, but it didn’t work.

Her smile faded.

Once, such a sight would have been heartbreaking. He could remember the days when just the thought – the memory – of it would have made his chest tighten.And that had been as recent as a month ago,Alexandru thought. But now it did nothing to him. Now, he knew that he had changed as well. Now, he realized that for so long a time, he had clung to the memories – even when the love had faded – out of pride.

He no longer loved her.


He could say it freely now, and it did not hurt.

Alexandru turned to her, blindly, his chest heavy with regret.

Their eyes met, and a stricken look crossed her face.No.She walked past him, nearly running.