HER MASTER HAD BEENtalking all this time. Nothing in his demeanor showed that he minded how she hadn’t said a single word since they had left the courtroom together. He told her how worried he was, let her know that he had flown as fast as he could from the mainland to get to her. He talked and she listened, and if he asked a question, all she could do was nod or shake her head.

It was not revenge.

It really was all she could do so as not to break down.

Inside his rooms, Zari remained silent as she watched her Master draw a bath for her and didn’t murmur a single protest when he took her hand and slowly undressed her.

His arms were strong and gentle as he carried her to the tub, and then he sat on the edge before slowly soaping her body.

Realization dawned, and she found herself looking at him. He was pampering her.Why?Was it because she was his pet? Or was it because he felt guilty?

Suddenly, she remembered the words he had told her.

I won’t let you go unless you ask.

Zari looked at him.

Alexandru froze when he saw his pet’s eyes. One look, and he knew exactly what she was thinking. One look, and his heart feltso damn raw and exposed. When she started to speak, he knew he couldn’t let her.

He just...couldn’t.


Alexandru shook his head.

Don’t ask it.

Her body jerked at the words.

Her Master’s face was pale, but his voice inside her mind was fierce and tight.

Don’t ask it.

I beg of you, pet.

Don’t ask it.

One, two, three teardrops started to fall. And soon it was countless, tears raining down her cheeks.You’re so unfair, Master.

His heart bled at the sight, but still he couldn’t find it in him to take the words back. When he reached for her, she closed her eyes, laying her cheek against his palm. A sign of trust, one that had his heart bleeding even more.

Alexandru knew there were so many things they had to talk about. But in the end, all he could say hoarsely was, “I’m sorry, pet.”

“I’m sorry, too, Master.” A tear-clogged whisper, one that revealed just how vulnerable she was feeling, and it was all his fault.

He said fiercely, “My loyalty is to you, pet.”

“I know, Master.” And she did.But that had never been the problem, Zari thought. What she wanted was her Master’s heart, but what she wanted, he had already given to another woman.


Part Three


Dear Miss Baltimore,

Thank you for your interest in Academie Nu Exista (ANEX).