Please don’t tell my Master.

The arms around her fell away.

When Zari flipped around, she saw Miranda’s mouth parting open. Katarina’s wound had allowed the girl to reclaim her body from the demon, and this time Miranda had decided to keep permanent ownership the only way she knew possible.

In death.

IT HURT ZARI’S PRIDEto let the female vampire swim her back to the surface, and it hurt even more that Katarina had to carry her up because she no longer had any strength left. Even when she was lying on the boardwalk, right next to the still-unconscious man that the demon had chosen to be Miranda’s next victim, she still couldn’t stop choking. Couldn’t stop crying.


Still on her knees, her body shaking because of the fight, Katarina turned to the girl.

“Miranda asked...” Zari swallowed. “She asked me not to tell her Master.”

Slowly, Katarina nodded.

“She loved him...” Zari whispered. “—-very much, you see.”

Katarina said quietly, “I promise. I will keep her secret.”

“T-thank you.” Zari closed her eyes. “H-how did you find me?”

“I knew enough about the case and your abilities to figure out that your vision may have made you decide to hunt down the killer yourself.” A pause. “Alexandru’s been trying to talk to you through your bond, but I told him you’re too weak.”

Unlike her,Zari thought dully.

Zari heard Katarina get up. Forcing her eyes to open, she saw the female vampire walking away. When Katarina came back, what she held in her hand made Zari’s lips part in a silent gasp.How did Katarina know?

Katarina’s eyes were on her as she spoke. “Alexandru?”

There was a moment of silence before Alexandru spoke. “Is my pet okay?”

“Yes. She is.”

Another pause. “Good. I’d like the chance to kill her when I reach her.”

“I don’t think I’ll bother to tell her that.”

A chuckle, one that made Zari’s heart break.

And then Alexandru asked, quietly, so quietly, Zari almost couldn’t make the words out. “Why are you there, Kat?”

Looking at Zari, Katarina said, “Because I want to be with you.”

Chapter Eight

He had chased her to the ends of the earth, and finally they met again.


It made him furious that she sounded so surprised. “You really think my love can be killed just like that, Kat?” He gripped her arm, hauling her close to him. “If you disappear, I’ll just hunt you down. If you marry another man, I’ll just kill him. That’s how much I love you.”

“But I’m not your heartkeeper,” Katarina said brokenly.

“It doesn’t matter,” he hissed. “Do you understand me? It will never matter. I don’t give a fuck if you’re not my heartkeeper. It’s MY heart. MY heart. Do you understand? It’s MY heart, and I decide who keeps it for me.”

“I cannot be with you. My honor will not allow me.”