But Miranda still didn’t answer.
Turning desperate, Zari blurted out, “Do you really think this is what your Master wants from you?”
Something in the other girl’s eyes flickered, something that seemed the only remnant of humanity left in Miranda. It wasn’t much, but Zari clung to it, the only piece of hope that she could use to believe that she would get out of this alive.
“I’m not talking about his parents. I’m talking about the baron – because I know about him. I’ve r-read about him. He seems like a good man, someone w-who would really appreciate—-”
Zari lost her footing and fell on her back. When she opened her eyes, she almost screamed, because Miranda was right in her face. A moment later, and the girl’s hands were around Zari’s neck, and slowly, Miranda started to squeeze. Hard.
Her vision started to blur. She tried to push Miranda away, but the other girl was too strong.
“Miranda.”She looked at the other girl desperately.“Think...”
“You have to die.” Calm. Cold. Every emotion suppressed. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing personal.”
Zari still tried to struggle. “Please.”
“I need to do this—-”
“Miranda.”She fought for breath even as the world became blurrier with each second. “Baron.You really think...he will be...happy...you became like this...forhim?”
Miranda didn’t speak.
But slowly, her fingers answered for her, easing around Zari’s neck. She choked and coughed, gasping for breath, unable to believe that she had managed to get through the other girl. When she opened her eyes, Miranda was crying.
The other girl shook her head. “Run.”
It was the last word Miranda said before her face morphed into a demon, the parasite on her soul completely taking over.
Zari scrambled to her feet and ran. Her feet padded hard and loud against the road, but no matter how fast she tried to run, it seemed like she couldn’t get away fast enough, the sound of her attacker’s furious and hungry snarls always sounding like it was just an inch away from her.
As she veered towards the boardwalk, heart thumping hard against her chest, Zari couldn’t help but look back—-
It was her biggest mistake, the action slowing her down. It was all the demon-possessed girl needed, and Zari screamed as Miranda’s arms wrapped around her, chaining Zari to her just before she tossed Zari and herself into the water.
It was her vision all over again.
Zari kicked and shoved, trying desperately to get away from Miranda. But still the girl clung to her, the demon making Miranda’s lips stretch into a ghastly grin even as Miranda’s own body was dying with Zari’s.
She held her breath as long as she could underwater, but she could feel herself weakening, the constant struggle to break free causing her to consume even more oxygen under water.
Each second made her dizzier, and her lungs felt like they were about to burst into fire any second. Was this really how she was going to die?
Above her, a streak of white flashed, something – someone – diving in and causing the water to ripple.
It was Katarina.
The vampire swam towards them, a knife in her hands. Miranda’s eyes, made red by possession, widened at the sight of it.
Katarina reached them and Miranda fought wildly even as she kept Zari to her, never letting go.
The presence of Zari in the arms of the possessed made it difficult for Katarina to attack, the female vampire fearful of accidentally hurting Zari. But even so, she didn’t stop going into the offensive and finally, when Miranda started to weaken, her own lungs failing her, Katarina dove forward, and this time she managed to slice the girl’s arm, drawing blood.
Behind her, Zari felt Miranda stiffen as the girl’s blood slowly turned the water around them into pink.
And then she heard Miranda whisper.