Then why? Why would you choose him?
If he was a good man, he would turn his back now and let nature run its course. Let Damaschin open his pet’s eyes to the truth – that she had no reason to choose Alexandru.
But he was not a good man where Zari was concerned.
He had always tried to be one, but with her, it was as if he was destined to sin. And he would keep sinning, Alexandru knew, if that was the only way to keep her as his pet.
Alexandru opened the door, Zari paling at the sight of him. The younger vampire seemed to be as aware of his identity, murmuring “Lord Alexandru” even before he had completely turned around to face Alexandru.
His gaze didn’t let hers go. He wanted her looking at him and only him. Alexandru offered his hand. “Let’s go.” His voice was neutral, but the words were a command nonetheless.
When Zari took a step forward, Erou said bitterly, “I would have given her up, you know. I would never have made a move if I thought there was a chance you’d eventually admit your feelings for her.”
Alexandru’s jaw hardened at the challenging words, but he didn’t let his gaze veer away from his pet. “Zari?”
“I see it in your face,” Erou snarled. “You want her—-”
“Of course I want her,” he exploded, finally looking at the other vampire. “Would she be my pet if I didn’t want her?”
Zari’s heart was beating faster and faster as she listened Erou and her Master exchange words. She didn’t know what to say or do, wasn’t even sure that she should interfere. But then she heard Erou say, “You want her more than that. Admit it.”
Her head snapped towards her Master.
His pet was looking at him now, her heart – fragile but brave all at the same time – in her eyes. In that moment, the weight of his past, all the memories, good and bad, collided with the present, which came with the most dangerous risks and the most wonderful promises.
But in the end, he knew he could only make one choice.
When Alexandru looked at her, Zari’s knees nearly buckled. Even though he hadn’t yet spoken, she already knew, just by the way her Master was looking at her with regret in his eyes.
“I wish it was so, but she can only be my pet.” Before he was even done speaking, he was already striding towards Zari, the pain his words caused her something he felt as well. “Zari—-” He reached for her.
She pulled back unthinkingly, her heart breaking when her Master whitened at her rejection. “Master, I...” But she was still at a loss for words. What was there to say when he had good as killed all her hopes?
“Look at me.” A command. “Is it that bad?” His voice was almost violent. “Tell me. Is it that bad, being my pet? Have I ever made you feel that you don’t matter to me?”
He reached for her again, and this time she let him. But the moment their hands touched, she went still, her eyes turning completely white.
Alexandru stilled as well, knowing that she was about to have another vision.
BLUE. SO, SO DARK,but it was blue. The darkest shade of blue, like sapphires kissed by death.
Choking. She was choking, and she was struggling against something. Not someone.Something.Inhuman. Too strong. Too fast. One moment, breathing was a part of life. The next moment, breathing had become a luxury.
WHEN SHE CAME BACK, she was in her Master’s arms, a place that was once her haven. But now?
“Let me go,” she whispered.
Because she sounded like she was so close to breaking down, he released her reluctantly. “What did you see?”
Zari shook her head. Not meeting his gaze, she said, “Master, I had a vision when I touched you.”
Alexandru’s face became expressionless. “And?”
“Did you really come back mid-hunt because of me?” A little laugh escaped her, the sound tinged with hysteria. “You made me think it was because of me, Master. Please don’t deny it. Everyone thinks the same thing. Even Lord Erou.”
“But you didn’t, did you?” Her eyes became glassy. “You came here because the hunt is here now. The demon you’re huntingis here now, and you couldn’t even be honest with me about it.” She took another step back, as if just his nearness now poisoned her. “Master, right now, I don’t even feel like I’m your pet.”