The last words would have sounded sweet to anyone’s ears, but she and the marquis knew that it was her way of mocking him, of asking why a powerful half-demon like him hadn’t known she was near.

I’m sorry.

I’m sure you are.

Irritation flashed in the marquis’ eyes, and it was obvious he was not used to having women not falling over everything he said.

What more do you want?

Nothing, milord.It was pure agony, ignoring the way his hand on her knee made her feel, but she managed to as she continued,I wasn’t the one who looked for you—-

Is this about pride, milady?

Not at all,she answered, but she knew she was lying. It was a bit about pride, and surely that was understandable?

He should have noticed her. She was his heartkeeper, curse it. So why hadn’t he? Why?

“I’m sorry.”

“Forgiven, milord.”

He told her in his mind,Liar.

She let her eyes go wide.Oh no, the big bad wolf’s found me out. Please don’t eat me—-

His eyes blazed, and his nostrils flared.

Too late, she realized she had chosen the worst thing to say.

His mind connected with hers, and she saw what he was imagining.

Him pushing her legs wide apart as he sank to his knees.

And then he was eating her—-


She choked, her throat drying, and she quickly grabbed the glass of water, gulping it down—-

Under the table, she felt his fingers crawl up.

She choked on her water.Milord!

But the fingers continued to move.

She slammed the glass down on the table before she could accidentally drop it, and the patrons near their table turned to her in surprise.

Curse it! Curse him!

She managed a weak smile. “I apologize.” But she couldn’t say anymore, his fingers finding the edge of her crotchless drawers.

Their eyes locked with each other, his silver eyes feral in its hunger while hers was pleading and confused.


His jaw clenched.

I’m sorry, ma lisse.