He patted his lap.
She knew what that meant, knew it would be futile to resist because his powers were no doubt at work now, but even so, she tried anyway. Glaring at her Master, she shook her head.
Come close and let your Master pet you.
What’s the name of that girl in your class? The one who hates you? Maybe I could call her and let her know how you’ve just refused your Master—-
She hurriedly shut the door at the threat and went to him.
Alexandru’s fingers closed around her wrist, pulling her to him until she tumbled against his chest. He caught her in his lap and he immediately took her lips for a kiss. His pet yielded to him at the first touch of his lips on hers, her body softening as her arms went around his neck. Unlike before, he didn’t have to coach her to open her mouth. She welcomed his possession, and possessher he did, thoroughly and passionately, his tongue claiming every inch of her mouth.
When he lifted his head, she was dazed. Normally, that was a good thing, but since she was still recovering from blood loss, it worried him instead and he regretted taking advantage of her immediately.
“Are you all right, pet?” His voice was rough with concern.
The way her Master was looking and talking to her made Zari look down as she muttered awkwardly, “I’m fine.” She remembered what the other girls said and at that moment, she found herself wondering the same thing. She remembered this morning’s reporting, which felt so long ago. What kind of bond did she share with her Master? Was it the kind that could never be broken?
It had her asking in a small voice, “Are you angry with me, Master?”
Alexandru answered readily, “Very much.”
Her head lifted sharply, and she looked like she was about to cry.
It almost tempted him to smile, but he forced himself to maintain a stoic façade. He wanted his pet to pay. For daring to let another vampire feed on her, for actually evenlisteningto another man offer to claim her, and most of all, for making him say ridiculous things because he had, for one very, very short moment, felt that his ownership of her was threatened.
He did not want to feel like that again. She must be made to understand that, and so Alexandru said in his iciest voice, “Do you know the last time I learned about a woman who had not been faithful to me?”
Eyes wide with trepidation, she whispered, “No.”
“I gave her to my men to eat.”
“And they ate her, all at the same time—-”
Zari gasped. “You’re kidding...right?”
“I swear on my blood, I am not lying.”
“I see.” She had turned white at the words, knowing that Alexandru did not say such things lightly. If he said that he wasn’t lying, then that was it.
Alexandru watched his pet turn away and start for the door. “Where are you going?”
“To the nearest window.”
His lips twitched. “Why?”
“Oh, I’m just going to kill myself—-”
A laugh escaped him, and a second later, he had blocked her way to the door with the use of his race’s preternatural speed.
As he swept her up in his arms, she demanded worriedly, “Did you really mean what you said?”
Slowly, he nodded, and he laughed again when she struggled anew, trying to get out of his arms. “Zari, relax. I did mean it – but not in the way you think.”
She wailed, “Eating is eating even if they don’t chew before they swallow—-”