“I’m not asking that,” she hurried to say. “This is not for me—-”

“No.” He yanked his pet to him. Another yank and he had her imprisoned between his body and the wall. “Anything that could free you from me will never get my support.” And his lips slammed down on hers, putting a stop to whatever else she had to say.

“WHAT IS IT THAT YOUwant to say, Sir Richard?” Alexandru wasted no time asking the moment his pet was out of earshot.

“It is best we speak about this in private, milord,” the headmaster answered, a grave expression on his face.

Sir Richard led the way to his quarters, and Alexandru followed behind. As was his habit in recent times, his mind searched for Zari, a part of him wanting to make sure she was just nearby and nothing untoward had happened to her. He didn’t care if it meant he was being overzealous. She washispet, after all.

When he was assured of the soul seer’s safety, Alexandru relaxed and allowed himself to enjoy the school’s picturesque landscape. Although the school itself was built like a fortress, with its heavy walls and brick structure, efforts had been made to make the rest of the property beautiful. Trees ranging from pines to mahogany created natural shades everywhere while rows upon rows of flowerbeds added dazzling color to the scenery. Benches made of marble lined the pathways and every so often, there would be an ornately designed gazebo with its own set of tables and chairs that the girls could use as a study area. Around them, birds sang from a nearby aviary while fish of every size and color swam lazily under floating lilies in manmade ponds.

Words like ‘serene’ and ‘exquisite’ were definitely an understated way of describing the scene before Alexandru, but he knew all the beauty in his surroundings was only meant to hide one essential fact: this school wasnotcompletely safe.

La Scala Legaturia was one of the few places that otherworlders like him could consider a sanctuary outside the kingdom of Chalys. And because it was so, the school was also like a ticking bomb, one that could be placed under attack by their enemies at any time.

“Here we are.” The headmaster’s quarters were housed in a stone tower connected to the school’s main building. Mostbelieved that it was to afford the headmaster privacy, but the truth was, Sir Richard was the ever-vigilant type. He liked being able to see everything that was going on in his school and making sure all his students were safe.

The entrance to the office was deceiving. Upon reaching the end of the twisting staircase, people would find only a blank brick wall. But instead of one of the bricks acting as a special lever, one had to find the rightfloor tileto step on three times for the wall to swing open.

The smell of leather and old books greeted Alexandru as they entered the headmaster’s domain, which was decorated in a mixture of rosewood and leather. The living area was lined with wooden shelves, and at the center were a tan-colored couch and matching armchairs, a dark gray area rug, and a bronze chest with a flat top serving as a center table.

“Sit, sit,” Sir Richard said as he turned to bolt the door shut.

Alexandru lowered himself on one of the armchairs. “What is it?”

“I had wanted to ask you for an honest update on the situation in Chalys. Do you believe it is best if I suspend any future claiming for now?”

“I don’t think you have to go that far, no, but extra precautions are always better.” Alexandru knew it was not what the headmaster truly wanted to ask and the other man was simply biding his time. They spoke at length about Chalysian politics, Alexandru answering all of the headmaster’s questions.

When the headmaster paused, Alexandru felt it was time to cut to the chase. “You may speak freely with me, Sir Richard. Is this about my pet?”

“Partially.” Sir Richard grimaced at the other vampire’s insightfulness, but then it was only to be expected from their kind’s most powerful hunter.

Settling his elbows on the armrests, he clasped his hands as he said, “There has been talk about an increasing number of attacks of demons outside Chalys for some months now, but last week was the first report about it happening here in Key Sanguis.”

“It’s Lilu’s doing.” Alexandru referred to the demon duke who lorded over Sulphur, the city of demons in Chalys. “Like everyone, he’s heard about his son finding a heartkeeper. Building a stronghold outside the kingdom is like his Plan B, in the event Silviu Draghici decides to wage a war against him – and he loses.”

Sir Richard was aghast. “Do you mean he would be involving humans in the war? Doesn’t he know that could result in genocide?” Otherworlders might be a hundred times stronger, but their numbers were paltry compared to humans. With technology also on the humans’ side, a war between both races could destroy the world completely.

“Demons care nothing about humans,” Alexandru said grimly. “But please do not worry just yet. It’s why I have been sent back to this area. The Duke of Sangre has heard of the same incident and has asked me to resolve the case as soon as possible.”

“The soul seer will help you?”

“If necessary, yes.”

Sir Richard looked uncomfortable. “But you see, I was hoping that with your permission, the soul seer could be consulted by the school’s enforcers.”

Alexandru didn’t have to think, saying flatly, “No.” Soul seers like his pet, being able to see the past and future, were very rare nowadays. If even one demon was ever to learn about Zari’s existence, his pet would be targeted for the rest of her life.

“We would not be consulting her openly—-”

“I’m sorry, Sir Richard, but my answer will always remain the same. If you need help, you only have to ask me, but my pet must not be involved in anything requiring her skills as a soul seer without my approval.” His voice turned into steel. “I hope we understand each other.”

“Yes.” As a lower-ranking vampire, the headmaster had no right to go against Alexandru’s words.

Alexandru stood up. “Then if you’ll excuse me—-” His voice trailed off as the blood bond he shared with Zari suddenly blazed in pain, an intrusive force trying to break it. Without a word, he left the headmaster, going straight to where his pet was.

Who dares taste my pet?