figure something out.
:Look, I get that
you’re mad. But
ignoring me won’t solve
:I'm serious, by the way.
Get a damn password
on your phone.
:You felt it, too, right?
I am heading into a stretch.
That night wasn’t a mistake.
:Just hear me out.
:I’m serious, Barnacle.
:You can tell me no,
but I’m saying it right now,
fuck that.
:I can’t focus
on anything else.
:What are you wearing?
:You still mad? Fine.
But at least talk to me.
:We can keep
it our secret. No one
else has to know. Just us.
:Tu es la personne la
plus irritante que j’ai
jamais rencontrée
:Envoie moi un
message en retour!!
:I give up. You can’t ignore