Leaving Red at home was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done, but now that I know she's safe, I've got other business to handle, starting with the motherfucker who thought he could put his hands on my woman. It also helped that before I left Sienna, she told me that he knew where both Max and Lia were. He was going to take her to Fisher, so if anything, I can at least find out exactly where this man is.
When I get back to the clubhouse, Leo and Spike are waiting for me at the front door. They stop me before I can walk in.
"You straight?" Leo asks.
"Yeah, I need to handle my woman. She doesn't like to listen." I squint, and he has the nerve to laugh at me.
"Welcome to the club." He shakes his head and turns to walk into the building. I look over to Spike, who is smoking a joint and smirking at me.
"What the hell is funny?"
"I never thought I’d see the day that you’d be a taken man. Monogamy looks... hell, I'm not going to lie, you look like shit. But I'm happy for you nonetheless."
"Yeah, thanks, man." I shove my hands in my pockets, waiting for any update he's going to give me about the man in the clubhouse. The one waiting for me.
"Did he say anything yet?"
"No, just that we're going to be sorry we fucked with him. You know he's talking big. I'm pretty sure you can put an end to that. It's been a long while since you had someone in your workshop." He claps my back and walks into the clubhouse. I follow behind but don't say anything to anyone else.
I walk straight to my room, grab my tools, and make my way down to my workshop. The man is tied to a long table, his mouth gagged and stripped to his boxers. The boys know how I like my canvases—blank.
"I've been told recently that I'm changing. That I'm getting softer. Maybe I am," I start talking to the man. "And you know, with Christmas right around the corner, I'm feeling extra generous. I can make all of this stop before it even starts if you tell me what I want to know." I walk over to the man and pull out the gag from his mouth.
"What do you want?" he asks, and I roll open my suitcase of tools. I take my time examining each piece. It's more of a fear tactic. I want this man to know that I mean business.
"First, let me start with your name."
"Santi, they call me Lash. I want to say it's nice to meet you, but I'm sure you're not going to think so in a few minutes." I sigh and pull out a pair of heavy-duty pliers. I have a thing for pulling teeth.
He gulps hard as he watches me place the tools on the table.
"I don't even know that fucking girl. She came into the party on her own. I was just showing her the way out."
I pick up my ball-peen hammer and, without any warning, slam it down hard on his shin bone. The first blow doesn’t break the bone. It's not meant to. I slam the hammer over and over until the one spot on his leg is nothing more than mush and shards of bone.
He screams loud, but I'm not worried about anyone else hearing me. My workshop is soundproofed just for this reason.
"See, that's a lie. It's true that she went there on her own, but you weren't just going to send her home. You were going to send her to Fisher. To be with Max and Lia. Shall we try this again? This time I suggest you don't fib. You don't want to get on my naughty list, do you?" I walk over to the other side of his body and wait for him to stop crying.
"Where are Max and Lia?" I ask straight out.
"How the fuck should I know? Fisher is the one that deals with all the girls; I just help him pick some of them up." I let out another sigh. This is obviously going to be a long night.
This time, instead of the hammer, I grab my blowtorch and work on the bottom of his feet. When I can see clear through to his bone, I let up.
By the time I finish, Santi is shaking and has already pissed himself. I'm not squeamish, so I wait until I can get him stable again before I start back up.
"Now, I already told you I don't like liars. I know you know where they are. You might as well tell me. Don't you want all this to stop?" I ask him, keeping my tone even.
"I don't know shit. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. You're a dead man. Honestly, do you really think that Fisher is the leader of all this? You've only scratched the surface of what's really going on. You and your little girlfriend are dead. Dead!" he screams in my face, and this time I don't need any of my tools. I pull back my hand and hit him over and over until I feel his teeth cutting through his lip and large hematomas forming over his eyes. Soon, I'll cave his head in. I have to physically shove myself back to stop it.
"Okay, this is your last shot. Tell me where Fisher and the girls are." I pick up a large carving knife and press it to his throat.
"Go ahead and kill me; it's already too late," he whispers through his messed-up mouth.