I take a few deep breaths, trying to make sure I don't blow up at her for doing this. I'm supposed to be nicer to her. I'm supposed to be more sensitive. I'm supposed to be...
My eyes drift to the floor at the piles of clothing she's got strewn all over the place. "This is what you were searching for? You were planning on going to where he will be on Friday?" My tone is frigid, and I watch Sienna's eyes widen as she nods her head.
So much for taking it easy on her. "Are you out of your fucking mind?" I explode, popping up from the bed and staring down at her.
"You already know this man is capable of abducting women without a care in the world, and you're thinking about putting yourself in the same room with him. No fucking way. I forbid it."
Just as soon as the word is out, her eyes harden.
"Excuse me? You what?" She hisses.
"You fucking heard me. I forbid it. You're not going to do that. I don't care if they told you both Max and Lia would be at that party along with the virgin mother Mary, you're not going." I shout again at her.
"You can't tell me what I will and will not do." Sienna pops up from her seat, her hands pressed firmly on her hips.
"Like hell I can't!" I yell down at her again, but this time she doesn't even bother to flinch back.
I see the determination in her eyes, and I know the more I push, the more she's going to push back. I release a quick breath before I raise my hands slowly so she knows I'm not threatening her. I cradle her cheeks in my hands and peer deep into her eyes.
"Do you know what it'll do to me if something were to happen to you? I get it. You want this bastard to pay for what he's done to your friends. I want him to pay too, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to risk you in exchange. There's a different way. I'll bring this to my club, and we'll all find a way to get justice for these girls."
I watch as she slowly begins to thaw out. What I'm saying is valid. She's not thinking clearly. She's not thinking about what could happen if Fisher and his people realize that she's there to spy on them. The people she is around didn't want to tell her for a reason. They are scared of Fisher, and there has to be a reason why.
"I hear you, Lash. I hear you." She whispers before she leans up on her tiptoes and presses a soft kiss to my lips.
The instant whiplash of emotions isn't something I'm used to. On one hand, I can't even think about something happening to her, and on the other, I'm more than impressed that she was able to figure out the information that seemed to allude me all day. My woman is one smart cookie. I just hope she allows me to do what needs to be done and doesn't try to take things into her own hands.
I'm here to protect her. That's what old men do for their women. It's real hard for me to do that if she's off trying to save the world on her own. Sexy or not, I'm going to have to figure out a way to tame this fireball.
I never considered myself a liar.
And even now, as I walk in behind two other scantily clad women into Fisher's party, I still don't think I'm a liar. I never told Lash that I wasn't going to the party. In fact, I told him several times that he couldn't order me around. I'm not his personal property. But the second I step over the threshold into this swanky sex fest, I feel like my soul is just a little bit darker. I made him believe that I wasn't going. I made him trust that I would stay home and wait for him to come up with a plan. I just couldn't do it.
There's no telling if Max and Lia are here tonight or if Fisher is planning on taking any other women. The note Uni gave me made it clear that women going missing at these parties were normal occurrences. The next time I see her, I'm going to have to find out what she is doing knowing about a party such as this. I really hope she's not mixed up in this in some way.
I don't even know who Fisher is, but I'm hoping I can figure it out just by scouting out the one man everyone is trying to get next to. I'm wearing a dress I haven't put on in years, mostly because when I bought it, I was firmly in my "I don't care how provocative I look" phase, and now I'm a bit more conventional. I'm super uncomfortable. With every step I take in the tight silver dress, it feels like the hem is trying to ride up my ass. I paired the bodycon dress with a nice pair of black pumps and a black clutch. My makeup is overdone, and I'm forcing a smile on my face for anyone who looks my way.
It was easy to get into the party. It's not like anyone was checking invitations as I walked in. The only issue with wearing a dress like this was the fact that I had nowhere on my person to hide my blade. At least not anywhere I could access it quickly if I needed it. I pray it doesn't come to that.
I told Lash about the party, and the only promise he could make to me was that he would talk to his club about it and try to work something out. He didn't tell me that he'd ride in guns blazing and get all these women to safety. He didn't tell me that I wouldn't have anything to worry about; the best he could give me was that he hoped he could help.
I know I can help. I know I can, even if it's just one person at a time.
I move through the party, making sure to keep myself approachable but never letting my gaze linger on one person long enough to be memorable. All the women I see in attendance are laughing and seem to be having a good time. I wonder if they know what this Fisher is about. I wonder if they know this could be their last night as free women. I'm sure they don't.
I scan the room with little hope, checking to see if I can find Max or Lia. I'm not too disappointed when I don't see either one of them. After all, if they were drugged and forced to submit to this Fisher person, I doubt they'd be willing to go to a party for him.
"Wow, I love these parties," a man growls in my ear, and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I have to act like I want to be here.
I turn and face the man talking to me. He's wearing a purple polo shirt and tan slacks. His hair is greased back, and his goatee is uneven. I wouldn't find him attractive even on my worst day, but here I am, going to have to act like he's the sexiest man in the world.
"Yeah, these parties are the best. I won't lie; this is the first one I've been to—at least one this big." I nod my head and try to take a subtle step back from him. The man's cologne could knock out an elephant; it's so strong.
"Oh, I come to them all the time. It's nice to be in the company of such gorgeous women. You're at the very top of that list, you know." He leans in further.