"Our president wants to meet up with you. There's a business opportunity that he feels would benefit both clubs. Can you meet with him on Friday?" The Hands of Hell member asks, and I groan at the words. Not that I don't want to make money, but I was really hoping this asshole would say something out of pocket so I could knock his teeth down his throat.

Leo glares at the man for a second before one of the strippers walks up and puts a hand on his chest. He drops his gaze to her and grabs hold of her wrist.

"Sorry, sweetness, I'm not playing tonight."

The woman pouts for a second before turning her eyes to me.

"You really think I'm about to be your second choice? You better get the hell on." I fling my hand in her direction to let her know that under no circumstances am I that desperate. She could have at least walked away and tried from a different angle.

Besides, I've got business to attend to. I can get my dick wet another time.

"So what's it going to be?" The Hands of Hell member crosses his arms over his chest while his patch mate looks on. I can see the sweat beading on both of their foreheads.

I'd be scared too if I were them. They are in the lion's den and are trying to act like big bad killers. It's a mistake. They wouldn't even make it out the door before the group of us made an example out of them. At least that was before. Now Leo is all about peace and harmony.

It's a bit sickening.

"Yeah, I'll be there." Leo nods his head and turns on his heel, leaving me to deal with the two of them.

"Your business is done." I growl in their direction.

"True, but you all still have an entire clubhouse of available women; surely you can spare two or three." He smiles at me like we're friends, and I have to stop myself from punching him square in the face.

"Take who you want if they want to leave, but make that shit quick. If I look over here again and see you, we're going to have a problem." I keep my eyes glued on them, and he nods his head once again before reaching out for the woman he was previously trying to spit game to. I can tell she's uncomfortable.

"You straight, beautiful?" I ask, and she paints a smile on her face before she leans back into the wolf in our midst. Her choice.

I shrug and turn on my heel to walk back through the crowd. I don't need to stand there and listen to whatever it is that those bozos are going to say.

Rumble catches up to me as I'm making my way through the crowd again.

"Everything good?" He asks, looking over my shoulder at the two Hands of Hell members.

"Yeah, we're straight. They'll be out of here in the next few minutes." I clap him on the shoulder and pull the bottle of Hennessy I still have clutched in my hand up to my lips. I take a deep swig, trying to calm my nerves down. The threat is over. At least for right now.

That means I can focus on the more entertaining aspects of the night.

"Hey! Get the hell down! What the hell do you think this is?" My head snaps in the direction I hear Tella. He's screaming at one of the women. He's never been the nicest of us, but he's a bit overprotective of the clubhouse. After all, it was him and his people who basically built the clubhouse back up from scratch after the bombing.

I watch as he grabs hold of one of the women who is dancing on one of the tabletops. His hands slide on her thighs, and I chuckle as I watch him grimace.

"What the hell are you wearing, Crisco? Why the fuck are you so slippery?" Tella snarls before putting the woman down in front of him.

"I'm pretty sure she's slippery to make it a better ride," I offer as I get next to him.

"Fuck that, I'm not fucking up my sheets on that ride." He shivers with disgust before turning the woman away from him and slightly pushing her toward the crowd.

He lifts his hands and grimaces at the look of the shiny stuff on his hands. I don't know if it's sweat or baby oil, but it's all over him.

"You look like you're having about as much fun as I am," Tella shouts over the music, and I focus on him once again.

I thought I was doing better at hiding that shit from my face, but I guess I'm not.

"Yeah man, I'm all for having a good time, but I'm on edge."

"There's a sure-fire way to fix that." Tella gestures with his hands at the women all around. Some of them are dancing to the music we've got blasting through the system. Others are sitting with the rest of my brothers. There's even some holding up the wall. I don't remember the last time our clubhouse was filled with this much pussy.

I feel like a complete wuss. I'm looking for someone trying to blow the joint up when I could be in my room right now blowing some chick's back out. Talk about having my priorities messed up.