So far, we're just waiting for Switch and his boys to attack; we're on edge. I don't have the luxury of just sitting around and waiting for an attack. I've got another asshole to find. The only information I have is that the man's name is Fisher, and he is in the business of abducting women. I'm assuming it's only women who are either prostitutes or strippers because I haven't heard much of a stink on the news about a slew of missing girls in the area. I have a few people that I can ask, but I'm going at this solo. I don't want to dump this on Leo now that he's already dealing with the Hands of Hell.
My door is slightly open as I type away on my computer. I've been searching through the missing person reports, the ones that have happened in the last few months. To my surprise, there aren't many. That doesn't mean that Fisher never did this before, but more than likely, the girls just didn't have anyone in their lives that cared enough to file a report. These women are cast aside. It's sickening. Even worse than that is the fact that if this were last week, I would probably be one of the people that would cast them off.
I'm not proud of that in the least.
A soft knock raps at my door, and I jerk my head to the sound. I know it's Nisa before I even have a chance to ask who it is. Only she is as soft-handed as that. If it were anyone else, they'd bang on my door once and barge in without waiting for a response.
"Yeah," I call out.
Nisa walks in and gives me a tight smile. She wraps her arms around her midsection as if she's cold. I wait for a beat for her to say something, but she simply shuffles from foot to foot like she's nervous.
"Did you need something?" I ask.
"No, I mean, not really. I don't know." She shakes her head before she walks over and sits at the edge of my bed.
"You've got something on your mind, then?" I turn in my chair to give her my undivided attention.
"Yeah, I want to know what's the deal with you and that girl."
"What girl?" I ask. I don’t need to; there’s only one woman in my life, but I want to see how much she knows.
"Sienna, that's what Leo said her name was." Nisa shrugs.
"Yeah, my Red." I nod my head. Her nickname slides out of my mouth with ease.
"Red, huh?" Nisa chuckles. "Well, what's up with her?"
"What exactly are you asking me, Nisa? Speak plain." I don't want to get confused.
"Fine. I was trying to be suave with this, but I don't have the brainpower right now for it." Nisa sighs and stares me right in the eye. "Are you going to make her your ol' lady? Is she even built for this life? You know me. I've been around clubs my entire life. I've been around you guys for the most part my entire life, and even still, I have days when I feel like it might just be too much. Are you sure she's ready for whatever it is you're going to bring her in for?"
I hear the weight in Nisa's words. She knows firsthand just how messed up things can get in our lives. She lost her brother, who was a member of Chrome Creed years ago, and I'm not sure she's ever really gotten over it. I know for sure Leo hasn't.
"She'll be okay. I'm sure of it." It's the only reassurance I can give Nisa right now.
"You better be, Lash. What you're doing for her, for these women—I get it. Truly, I do. I would want someone to come looking for me if I went missing. But you need to realize that this is probably going to bring a shitstorm right on your brother's heads. People can get hurt. It can divide us. Just make sure Red is everything you think she is and that she knows what she's getting into. If both of you can't agree on that, then maybe it's best you both just leave each other alone." She grins softly. The words are harsh, but I know she means well.
I lean back in my seat. "What if I don't want to leave her alone? What if I can't?" I say, giving Nisa a glimpse into how I'm really feeling for Sienna.
Her smile gets wider. "Well, if that's the case, then I hope you're busy making sure she knows just how important she is in your life. We women like to be wined and dined, even the fiery ones." She shoots me a wink before standing up and walking out of my room.
Wined and dined?
I've never had to work hard for a woman before. It's the first time I’ve ever considered someone my woman. Nisa is right. I need to work on showing Sienna how much she means to me. Maybe I'll do something to get her mind off the troubles we're having right now. After all, 'tis the season to give.
This was the worst idea I've ever had.
I clench my fists at my sides as yet another person bumps into me. Who the hell told me it was a good idea to go shopping the week before Christmas? When I left the clubhouse, I had it in my mind that I would just pop into a store and pick up something nice for Sienna.
What I didn't count on was the huge crowds or the near-nauseating scent of peppermint and gingerbread wafting through the mall, or even worse, the throngs of people all seeming to go for the same things. Every inch of me wants to turn around and just walk out of the store, but that would defeat the purpose.
"You look lost." A young girl walks over to me with a flirtatious smile on her face.
"I am," I reply.
"Well, what are you here for? Maybe I can help you find something?"