I was barely able to finish my work, once again too distracted by what was going on to focus on medical billing or listening to my boss deliver snide comments through interoffice email. There were real life-and-death things happening in my world—something I'm sure the group of people I worked with would never understand.
No one understood. Not the police, not the community, no one.
I wasn't a stripper, but I connected with these girls. So much so that I'm sure they'll trust me with any secret information that they might have. If anyone is going to know about this Fisher character, it'll be someone in that club or someone who works the block like Max and Lia used to. I just have to convince them that it'll be worth it to give me the information.
The minute it was dark enough, I packed up my backpack and headed straight for the strip club. I stopped a few times along the way to hand-deliver some supplies to the few people who were still out looking to panhandle. None of them dared to start up any small talk; I guess I must look how I feel—on edge. I simply passed off the supplies and continued on my way.
I stepped up to the roped-off area in front of the strip club, and Prince smiled wide when he saw me.
"Hey, Si-Si. You having a good night?" he asked as he removed the rope and waited for me to step in. Usually, I just give him a generic response and make my way inside, but tonight I had questions to ask him. Out of everyone, Prince knows who comes and goes in this place; maybe he's seen someone.
"Hey, I've actually wanted to ask you about something." I smiled up at the big bouncer and hoped my charm was pulsing through.
"Yeah? What's up?" he questioned.
I took a quick look around just to make sure no one was around to hear my conversation. The last thing I wanted was to bring any trouble in Prince's direction.
"I don't know if you've heard, but Max and Lia have gone missing."
His eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know anyone named Max or Lia," he shook his head.
"No, they weren't strippers, but they worked the block out here. I'm sure you've seen them." I pointed to the corner where Max and Lia usually set up shop.
This jogged Prince's memory. "Ah, yeah. That's too bad. I hope they find them." He shrugged. That was usually the amount of sympathy I got from anyone when I told them two young girls in their line of work had gone missing. But today, I wasn't going to let up.
"Yeah, well, I think I may have a lead on that. Do you know anyone by the name of Fisher?"
Even in the dim light in front of the club, I can see Prince's expression change. He's not smiling at me anymore; in fact, he looks downright pissed off. I don't know who this Fisher asshole is, but I'm sure that Prince knows.
"I don't know anyone named Fisher," Prince bristles.
"Prince, you know me. You know I wouldn't be asking if it were for something?—"
Prince cuts me off before I can give him any more of an explanation. "Sienna, I don't know what the hell you're trying to get involved in, but maybe you need to stop turning over rocks. You're not going to like what you find. Like I said, I don't know anyone named Fisher. You going to come in or not? I've got a job to do."
I snap my mouth shut. It's not lost on me that there's no one else around for him to usher into the club. He's giving me a warning. I'm not going to listen, but I won't force him to talk to me. I don't have the brawn for that. Prince could toss me out of here like a rag doll, and I really need to get inside to talk to the other girls.
"Sorry, you're right." I smile and walk by him into the club.
The music is bumping through the area, and I gag once again as the same smell of vomit assaults my nose. I place a hand over my mouth and nose and rush to the back where the main employee lounge is. The place is still packed. I don't know how these guys can sit in here and not be disgusted by the stench. I guess it doesn't matter when it comes to watching tits and ass.
"Sienna, baby!" One of the girls calls out to me, and I give her a tight smile. I don't know her well enough to ask her any questions. I move on, trying to find someone I have a better relationship with. I see Zephrina at her station, putting on her makeup for her next show.
She's a beautiful woman who got mixed up with the wrong man and got hooked on drugs. The last she told me, she was getting clean, but every time I see her, I notice a few new tracks on her arms. She does a great job at covering them up with makeup, but the lights in here expose everything.
"Zephrina, hey." I wave at her, and she nods at me through the mirror. She doesn't stop applying her eyeliner. I walk up behind her and kneel slightly so I'm level with her face in the mirror. I want to see her reaction when I say the name. If it's the same reaction Prince gave me outside, I know I'm on the right track.
"Listen, I don't mean to bother you before you go back on set, but I wanted to ask you a question."
"Go on. You know I got you, Mother Teresa," she jokes with me, and I have a hard time returning the sentiment.
"Great. I know you heard about Max and Lia going missing. I think I have a lead on where they might be; I just need to find out where someone is." I look at her reflection hopefully. I'm praying that since they knew Max and Lia, the girls in here will be more open in giving me information.
She nods her head for me to continue.
"I'm working with one of the biker clubs in the area, and they were able to figure out that Max and Lia were taken by someone named Fisher. Do you know who that is?"