"Alright." The other one talks this time.
"Good. It seems that you two went to a party that they were having the other night and walked off with one of their pieces of ass."
"Two," I quickly correct.
Switch shoots me a dirty look before he turns back to his people and continues talking. "Do you know anything about that?"
"Oh yeah, I remember the two of them. They were a lot of fun," the one on the left says.
"Well, after that fun, what did you do with them?" Switch asks.
"Oh, we set them up with a better business opportunity." It's like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum watching the two prospects speak back and forth.
"What the hell does that mean?" Spike is the one to pipe up this time. "What kind of business opportunity?"
"The only kind those types of girls are good for: laying on their backs."
"Where did you take them?" I grit out between my teeth. My blood is boiling right now, and it's taking everything inside of me not to just put my hand through one of their faces.
"We dropped them off with Fisher. He's been on the lookout for new girls. Something about his old product not keeping fresh for very long. We didn't really get into much detail. After all, it's his racket. All we cared about was the finder's fee." The one on the left shrugs, and I make up my mind that he's going to be the first one I drive my fist through.
"Finder's fee? What do you mean by that? Did these girls know they were going to be working with Fisher?" I ask.
The two of them laugh before the one on the left answers. "I guess not. After all, we had to use nearly double the sedative to knock them out. But that's what happens with the druggos. They build up a tolerance, you see. I'm sure they were quite confused when they woke up in the trunk of Fisher's car."
That's all it takes for me. I see red, and before I can stop myself, I jump over the table, straight over Leo's head, and try to get my hands on either one of them.
I'm not even hearing what's going on with anyone else in the room, and before I know what's happening, Leo is dragging me backward out of the club, and the rest of my club is swarming around me just in case someone tries to get off a shot or something like that.
After finding this information out, there's no way that we can do business with the Hands of Hell, and I pray that Leo feels the same way.
We came here hoping to get some answers, and we got just that. Now we have to worry about what happens because we've backed out of the deal. Will Switch and his boys let things stay the way they are, or is it going to mean war?
Today started out so good.
I woke up with my body pleasantly throbbing from the workout Lash put on me last night. I wasn't concerned that he slipped out sometime in the middle of the night. I'm sure he had things to do. In fact, he told me that he was going to have to leave and go to the meeting that was set up with the other group.
When I got out of my bed with a new pep in my step, I was surprised to see that Lash had done exactly what he promised he would. My door was fixed with a new lock and even a deadbolt—something I didn't have before.
The key was left on the table on top of a sheet of paper with his number in case I needed to get in contact with him.
As much as I didn't want to admit it, Lash was becoming the type of man I could really see myself falling for. He was a bit too possessive for me, but even that flaw was growing on me. The one thing I can count on when it comes to him is the fact that he's going to give me the truth and give it to me straight.
So when he showed up at my door, walking in using his own key, I knew it had something to do with the meeting he had the night before—something to do with Max and Lia.
He held me as I cried when he explained to me that I was right. They did go off with those Hands of Hell bastards, and instead of just sending them on their way when they were finished, they drugged Max and Lia and basically sold them off to some asshole named Fisher.
They were forced into sex trafficking.
I know most people don't seem to care about the strippers or the women that walk the streets at night, but they are people too. To have them discarded like this breaks my heart.
Lash promised that he would do everything he could to find out more information about this Fisher guy and where exactly he might have taken the girls, but I wasn't just going to sit on my fucking thumbs and wait for someone to do the work for me. No, that's just not the kind of person I am.
Now that I've got a lead on where they might be, I need to do some searching of my own.