
The bright sun streams through the small porthole-shaped window on my far wall, and I curse myself for not buying a curtain. Every day I say the same thing, and every night I've forgotten.

I roll over in my bed trying to get comfortable. I reach for my sheets but find nothing on my bed. I'd forgotten that I stripped all the linens off last night after I blew my load all over the two girls' faces. I'm still in my clothes from last night, and my head is pounding thanks to the massive amounts of alcohol I was drinking.

Slowly, I sit up in bed and swing my legs over so I can place them on the floor. No one is screaming, there's no smoke, no one banging on my door telling me we're under attack. Turns out last night was a success. There was no threat to be dealt with. Thankfully.

Once I get my head to stop spinning long enough to know I'm okay to walk, I get out of bed and leave my room. The front area is busy with both prospects and hangarounds cleaning up. That's the only fucked-up part about having these parties: the cleanup takes hours. Of course, as the enforcer, I don't have to worry about any of that.

"Lash, I guess I should say thank you."

Doc walks over to me with a smile plastered on his face. It's clear he had a good night.

"What the hell are you talking about? Thank you for what?" I grumble in his direction as I continue on my way to the kitchen, where I pray there's at least a pot of coffee waiting for me.

He follows behind me, an obvious pep in his step.

"Last night, Zephrina and Milly," he says, but all I can do is blink in his direction. That didn't clear anything up for me.

"Jeez, the two women you kicked out of your room last night?" he continues, and I nod my head. The smell of freshly roasted coffee beans is putting me in a much better mood.

"Yeah, well, when they left you, they were all hot and bothered. They were complaining to each other, and I overheard. I didn't even have to put in that much work. They were ready to jump my bones the minute I said hello. You sure know how to make it easy." Doc chuckled and reached up to get a coffee cup for himself and for me. I grab the cup out of his hand and quickly pour myself a black coffee. Screw the cream and sugar. Right now, I need the caffeine.

"Happy to help, brother," I offer as I finish taking my first few sips.

"Why'd you kick them out anyway? I didn't see anything wrong with them." Doc sips his own coffee and waits for me to divulge my reasoning.

"They just weren't what I was looking for." I shrug, and just like that, an image of Sienna comes rushing back into my mind. Here I thought I'd be through with her. I guess that's not the case. I'm going to have to find a way to put her out of my mind before I start to obsess over the woman.

"Guess you're just too hard to please." Doc shrugs and pushes off from the counter with his coffee cup in hand.

I walk back out to the main area and look over the space. Besides the absolute mess, I'm happy to see no one is any worse for the wear. Sure, a few of them have hangovers, and I swear it looks like Feather is about to keel over as he pushes a broom around, but this is the life they chose. As prospects, they have to deal with the mess that comes after our fun.

"Lash, report." I hear Leo's voice, and my eyes instantly scan the room looking for him. He's already on his way to church, clearly expecting me to follow behind him.

I don't dare put my coffee cup down, but I make quick work of following him into the room where Chrome Creed has all their private conversations.

He yawns wide before he drops himself into his chair at the head of the table, the one reserved for the president. I pull my seat out and wait for him to tell me whatever it is he has to say. Just from his body language, I can tell whatever it is isn't very time-consuming or concerning. It gives me a false sense of hope.

"You good?" he asks just as I put my coffee to my mouth and take another sip.

"Yeah, why what's up?"

"I don't know. All I know is I left those Hands of Hell bastards, and the next time I looked up, you were gone. Everyone said you left the party early." Leo shrugs his shoulders and leans back at an angle in his seat.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? You think I went running around with the Hands of Hell somewhere?" I shouldn't be getting upset, but I don't want anyone to question my loyalty—not to my club, not even my president.

"Cool the fuck out. Of course not. I just want to make sure they weren't off doing something that I need to retaliate against. They came here talking about a joint venture, and I want to make sure they are both on the up and up before I even think about doing it." Leo continues, and I feel myself relax.

Honestly, after I watched the Hands of Hell for a few seconds and realized they were more interested in getting their dicks wet than messing with us, I didn't pay them any mind. In fact, I was too busy watching Sienna.

"Not that I know of. Last I saw, they were trying to get two women to leave with them. I didn't hear any different."

"Alright then. I guess we need to talk about what they came here for in the first place. I've already talked to Spike and Rumble. I was just waiting for you to get up," Leo continues, and I lean forward in my seat to hear exactly what the plan is. We don't usually work with other crews, but every once in a while we do collaborate. Just to think, only a couple of months ago we wouldn't have even entertained a meeting with the Hands of Hell, and now we're talking about working with them. We need to make sure that whatever the plan is, it's airtight and won't leave any of us open for vulnerability.

"I need you and Spike to dig into all of their pipelines, find out exactly what they could need us for. I don't want shit to be a surprise when we go to take this meeting. If they're trying to get one over on us, I want to know about it beforehand," Leo continues, and I nod my head just to let him know that I'm following him.

All thoughts about what happened last night and Sienna fly out of my mind. This is what I need. I need to stay busy. I need to be working right now, not thinking about some woman who obviously didn't want anything to do with me. This is better for both her and for me. I'm no good for her, even if it was only for one night. I'd have destroyed her. Sienna isn't the type of woman that would be able to handle me. Someone like her isn't meant for me, no matter how badly I want to claim her as mine.