"What are you going to do, kick me out? You scared of a little girl?" I tease him, and he shakes his head.

"I know exactly what you need." Lash closes the distance between us once again, but this time it's a bit more aggressive. I've had just about enough of him. I reach to my side, ready to pull my blade if I need to. The prospects did a good job patting everyone down when we walked through the building, but I'm always able to get a weapon in no matter where I'm going. It's a gift.

The smirk on Lash's face drops as he sees me reaching down. Now the menace I know he is roars to the front. Quicker than lightning, he slams his hand on top of my hand right over the knife and uses his other hand to wrap around my neck.

"You see how easy this is?" Lash snarls down at me, and I flail around trying to get free. I try to scream out, but his grip on my throat is so tight I can't get out a word.

"You telegraph your moves; the enemy can beat you to the punch. You need to carry the blade somewhere you can get to it easier," Lash whispers down at me.

My mind spins. Is he going to hurt me, or is he giving me tips on how to hurt him?

"I'm not going to force myself on you, Sienna, but I'm also not going to let you threaten me in my own club. Now be a good girl and leave before shit gets bad for you. Unless, of course, you want to come with me into my room and explain why you think you need a knife at a party?" He tilts his head to the other side. His lips are so close to mine now, I'm sure if I lean up on my toes, I'll be able to kiss him. I'm sick. It's been so long since I've been with a man I'm actually contemplating this.

"You going to be good now?" Lash asks, and since I still can't talk, all I can do is nod my head.

"I thought so." Lash quickly lets go of my neck, and I drop down to my flat feet, trying to catch my breath.

"My room or the door. Those are your choices." Lash crosses his arms over his chest.

I'm not going in the room with him. That would defeat the purpose of me keeping an eye out for the other girls.

"I'm gone," I tell him, making sure to keep my gaze locked on his. I don't want him to know that he scared me. I've been in fucked-up situations before, but if he really wanted to hurt me, he could. I'm just happy he didn't.

"By all means." Lash gestures toward the exit, and I roll my eyes at him as I make my way there. I look over my shoulder once, only to see him watching me with eagle eyes. He's not going to let me slip by.

Frustration bubbles up inside of me as I get to the door, and the prospect that let us all in opens the large wooden door for me.

"Sorry to see you go," he grins at me, but I don't have the energy to smile back.

As I hear the heavy door close behind me, I let out a deep groan and put my face up to the sky.

This isn't how I wanted the night to end. Now I can't see at all if the girls are being taken care of. Anyone can be doing anything to them, and no one in there is going to help them.

The cool night air blows through my hair, whipping it around my head.

With a sigh, I start off in the direction of my car. There's nothing I can do now. Nothing but wait. I hop into my black Camry and just sit there. I may not be able to stay at the party with the girls, but I can at least make sure that everyone is going to make it out okay. Of course, I know there are some who aren't going to go home tonight. That just means I'm in for a long, uncomfortable night playing lookout in my car.

I'll do it for them.

I'll do it for them because I wish someone would've done it for me.



I'm hard as a fucking rock right now.

I never really expected her to leave. Sienna isn't like any of the other women here tonight, and my instincts know it. Unfortunately, she called my bluff and walked out without giving me a chance to show her just how good I can be to her.

Now I'm stuck here with a pulsing erection and nothing but my hand for company.

"Lash, you good? Did I just see you kick that girl out?" Tella walks back over to me, his brows furrowed as he looks from me to the door.

"Yeah." I reply, not wanting to give him too much more information. If I tell him that she had a weapon, she'd be banned from ever coming in here. I don't want that. She obviously felt like I was getting too close. I like a woman who can protect herself. Though she didn't really need to protect herself from me. I'm never going to force myself on anyone who doesn’t want me in their space. When it comes to Sienna, though, I'm going to make it very hard for her not to want me in her space. One way or another, I'm going to break her down. I just know it. The problem now is I'm not going to be able to do that tonight, and I've got needs that need attending.

"She going to be a problem?" Tella asks, but I shake my head.

"Nah, she's good. This just isn't her scene." I shrug and walk away from him. I know if Tella keeps digging, he's going to want to know more. Hopefully, what I've said is enough to get him to leave it alone.