“Jack, I’m close,” I pant as my nipples bead and pleasure coalesces in my core.

“Give it to me, Hollyberry,” he growls, renewing his efforts.

“Oh… I…” My orgasm floods me, shuddering through me in waves until I’m limp and panting.

His fingers withdraw, leaving my channel to pulse on emptiness. I make an inarticulate sound, reaching for him, and he gathers me against his chest, murmuring how much I please him, how much he wants me.

“Stay relaxed,” he whispers as he settles his hips in the cradle of my thighs.

“No choice,” I mumble. “I think my bones have liquified.”

His hand shapes over my pussy, stroking the quivering wetness. “My beautiful Hollyberry. Gonna come inside you now.”

I nod enthusiastically. “Yes, please. Ivy is ready for Beanstalk.”

His husky laugh caresses my ears as he stares down at me, his strong body shaking a little. “I love you, Holly.”

My heart almost explodes with happiness. “I love you, Jack. I’ve loved you for two years. And I’ll love you for the next sixty.”

His forehead drops to mine. “Fuck, Holly. I can’t wait,” he says hoarsely.

I reach for him with a moan. The head of his shaft, the hard pressure I crave, enters me, stretching my wet flesh. Lifting my uninjured leg, he hitches it higher on his hip, spreading the lips of my sex against his invading cock.

Shaking with excitement, I run my hands over his naked body, loving the flexing strength of him over me, inside me, working deeper.

His hips rock and circle, his thickness caressing different places within me. He pushes deep in long strokes. It’s divine, each impact creating more tension, more pleasure, until nothing exists except the steady thrusting between my thighs.

He pulls out and thrusts deep, and I wince as my thigh twinges.

“Leg hurting?” he rasps, stilling his movements.

Of course, Jack notices. It’s one of the things I love about him, how he always puts my comfort first.

I nod. “A little. But?—”

Before I can finish, he coaxes me to my hands and knees. “This will be better. You can brace your weight on your hands.”

His big body is a sturdy frame around mine as the head of his cock centers against my opening again, thick and hard, easing forward by millimeters.

“Oh, God.” I gasp. “You feel so much bigger this way.”

“Easy,” he whispers. “Try to open for me.”

The pressure fills me with a slow, ruthless ache. Gently, repeatedly, he rocks his hips forward, easing deeper through the tight clasp of my inner muscles.

He presses forward an inch and holds, his clever fingers playing with the soft lips of my pussy. Moaning with frustrated need, I try to move closer to those tantalizing fingers, chasing every light caress.

Jack’s breath is a harsh pant at my ear as he surges forward, stretching and filling me to the hilt. His breath catches as I squeeze around him, a low, velvety growl humming in his throat as he pulls out and thrusts all the way home again.

“You good?” he asks huskily, checking in with me. “Not too hard?”

“No… no… just like that…”

“Fuck. Love the way you tighten on me… every time I go in.”

“More…please…” I whimper as he thrusts deeper.

His hands move to my front, cupping my hanging breasts, pinching and tweaking my nipples, teasing them into hard points. All the while, he thrusts straight into the core of my body in deep plunges.