We might have become friends, but it’s not like we have tons of history between us. He can look at me with his eyes filled with warning all he wants. It doesn’t matter considering the only one I can really see at the table is Morgan.

She’s nervous. It’s obvious by the way her eyes keep darting around the diner before flittering across her brother and touching me so quickly and softly that it feels like a butterfly against my skin. It’s adorable.

“So, um,” Morgan clears her throat while shooting a desperate look toward our waitress like it would get our food in front of us any faster, “how long have you been in Wintervale, Walker?”

Hearing my name on her lips has me almost leaping across the table and tasting those same lips. I’m barely able to stop myself as Jared glares at me. I’m not sure what he was expecting, but he must not be able to recognize how gorgeous his sister is. Thankfully, I’m not blind to it.

“A few weeks now,” I admit while kicking myself because I didn’t meet her on my first day in town.

It might not be a long time, but it feels like I’ve already wasted every second I’ve been living here while she wasn’t at my side. I mentally shake off the thought because it doesn’t matter. I know she exists now and I’m not going to let more time pass before making her mine.

Jared will have to get over it.

“Are you,” she shifts in her seat, clearly uncomfortable with how intently I’m staring at her, but I can’t help it, and she deserves to have all my focus, “adjusting okay? If you’re from a city I could see how our little town would be a big change.”

When she shoots me a little smile, I feel an answering one stretch across my face. Fucking hell, she’s adorable. And sweet.

“I’m not some big city man who couldn’t hack it there and needed a change of pace,” there’s a teasing note in my voice.

Morgan giggles softly, but the sound cuts off when she notices Jared glaring at her. The warning look I shoot him doesn’t do much, and pure rage fills my veins. What I’m not going to do is embarrass her in the middle of the diner, but you better fucking believe I won’t let this stand. He’s out of line.

“I’m from a little town called Jasper Ridge in Wyoming,” I explain, ignoring Jared and soaking up every little nuance of my woman’s reaction. “I needed a change after my dad diedtwo years ago. I had some good friends there, including my best friend, Jade, but Dad was the only family I had left. Every place seemed like a reminder of his life. As much as I’m happy to keep those memories alive, it felt like I was wallowing in them more than living with them.”

Honestly, the amount that I’ve shared with her shocks me a little bit. Sure, she deserves more than some sort of brush off, but I went deep considering this is the second time I’ve ever had contact with her. Might as well get it all out there, I suppose.

Morgan’s eyes go soft, and she nods. I can even feel some of Jared’s anger melt away. “I’m sorry for your loss,” Morgan whispers. She grimaces and scrunches her nose up. “I know that doesn’t mean much considering they’re just words. We’re lucky that we haven’t lost our parents,” she glances at Jared, her eyes meaningful, “and I can’t imagine that kind of pain.”

“It led me here,” I admit sincerely, “which is what matters the most.”

Jared’s anger is back, and Morgan’s face turns a pretty shade of pink. Even as the tension rises from all sides, for different reasons, we manage to steer the conversation back to safer topics after breakfast arrives and we start to eat. The siblings tell me stories about growing up and fill me in on the life of their younger sister, Cove.

It sounds like she has had an exciting life recently, but what strikes me the most is the pride they clearly feel for what she’s accomplished. Once they mention her whirlwind and completely by chance romance, I have to stop myself from smirking. Sounds like there’s something about this family that has fate smiling on them. Wonder how long it’ll take before the same thing happens to Jared.

Because I know it happened to Morgan. I’m not even annoyed to be the one who got captured in the rip tide in the process. It’s a fucking honor.

When I glance over at Jared, I can’t help but poke a little, “How do you feel about Cove finding someone? It sounds like he adores her.”

I have a feeling he’s considering risking it all and shooting me. But I know he won’t do it.

“He wasn’t happy about it,” Morgan teases her brother before he can answer. “Jared has always been very protective of us.”

“Someone has to look out for you and that’s the job of a big brother,” he grumbles.

I’m glad he’s had my girl’s back, don’t get me wrong, but there’s protective and then there’s stifling. There’s no way I can allow anyone to stifle my woman. Not on my fucking watch.

“You mentioned being a teacher,” I change the subject and direct my attention back to Morgan. “What grade do you teach?”

Morgan’s blue eyes practically sparkle, and I suck in a sharp breath because of how beautiful she is. “I teach first grade, and I love the kids in my class. They’re just so,” she shakes her head, the movement full of amusement as she chuckles under her breath, “ready to learn and excited about everything. They might struggle with something but keep going and rarely even think about giving up. I wish adults were more like that.”

“I admire you for being a teacher. I like kids, but I can’t imagine having a classroom full of them,” I admit.

“If you like kids so much, maybe you should be the one to do the safety program next year in the fall,” Jared’s voice is snarkyas fuck, and I have to hold myself rigid to not bristle at his tone. “You just missed it this year.”

“If it means I get to go to the school and help Morgan out, count me in.” I shoot my girl a wink, a giddy feeling welling up inside of me when her blush deepens.

Jared grumbles something under his breath, but I don’t pay him any mind. He’s all in his feelings, but I’ll be setting him straight soon enough. He should want his sister to be happy and I’ll move heaven and earth to make sure she is.

We chat about the school and the Christmas Market in town since we both have shifts scheduled to keep an eye on it next week. I hadn’t been assigned that duty yet but am interested in how the town bands together to support the small businesses here while getting ready to celebrate the holidays.