Mom huffs while Dad chuckles and leans over to kiss her temple. I can see the pride in our parents’ eyes.

Not able to help myself, I muse, “You know, one day it might be you needing to go up against someone’s brother. It’ll serve you right.”

The look of disbelief and worry on Jared’s face has everyone around the table laughing. Yeah, he probably should be worried. I’m manifesting that shit; I might even make a vision board to clinch the deal.

As Jared relaxes, Walker leans over and whispers, “Thanks for standing up for me, Treasure.”

I turn toward him and take in the way the twinkling lights in the house seem to wrap around him and help him shine. “You’d do the same for me,” I assert, knowing how true it is.

He smirks and takes the opportunity to swoop down and kiss me softly. It’s all sweetness and warmth. Even though I want more, we hold ourselves back.

“I might be willing to accept you two together, but that doesn’t mean I want to see that,” the amusement and disgust in Jared’s voice has me giggling against Walker’s mouth.

The rest of the day is filled with family and happy memories. It’s everything I wanted Walker to experience, especially after losing his dad and the only home he had ever known.

As the first of many, this Christmas if my favorite. At least…until next year.




I’m finishing up moving our bags from our bedroom to get them ready to go into Morgan’s car once she’s home. She thought she’d be packing tonight, but she’s already nervous enough about visiting my hometown. I wanted to take this off her plate.

And I needed something to do to fill the time until she comes home. Spring break starts tomorrow and we’re heading out first thing in the morning.

There’s just one more thing I need to do before we can leave for Jasper Ridge. I hope it’s not too soon for Morgan.

Everything moved so fast when we first met and it hasn’t seemed like she’s looked back or doubted once, but I still don’t want to rush her.

That’s not going to stop me from asking.

I kneel down next to Roscoe and pet his head. He looks at me and I swear there’s excitement in his eyes like he knows what is about to happen and is thrilled that he gets to be part of it. When I glance at the clock, my heart starts to race in my chest.

I pull the carabiner out of my pocket, the engagement ring on it already and ready for this moment. When I attach it to Roscoe’s collar, he seems to sit up a little straighter.

“You’re the key to this whole proposal, buddy,” I murmur and I’m pretty sure he grins at me.

The sound of the key in the lock has me standing and turning around so fast I get a little dizzy. I wipe my hands on my jeans, but it doesn’t do much to stop the nervousness swirling around in my gut. Or the sweaty palms I have.

All the air leaves my lungs the moment Morgan walks into our home. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. It hits me every time I see her. I know how lucky I am to have my woman, and I make a promise every day, a choice, to ensure she knows how much she means to me.

“Hi,” she chirps when she sees me before her eyebrows pull together when she notices the packed bags waiting and ready. “I told you I’d pack my stuff up when I got home today.”

I shrug one shoulder, hoping my voice sounds normal, “Now you don’t have to.”

She walks right up to me, her hands resting on my chest. The smile she gives me fills me with warmth and I’m reminded, again, that she’s my home.

“Thank you,” she whispers. Her eyes narrow slightly, and I wonder if she can feel how hard my heart is pounding in mychest. “What’s going on with you? You look,” she tilts her head to the side as she studies me, “nervous.”

“I’m not nervous,” my voice is definitely a higher pitch than normal as I try, and fail, to deflect.

Thankfully, she doesn’t call me out on my bullshit and just makes a humming sound. In the effort to distract both of us, I swoop down and take her mouth in a kiss filled with everything she does to me. Love. Lust. Affection. Possession. It’s all there, coursing through us and making it feel like I’m floating.

We’re both panting when I pull back from her and take a moment to get lost in her pale blue eyes. “I love you, Treasure.”

Her whole face lights up as she smiles at me. “I love you, Walker.”