“I didn’t get the chance to stop by the store yet. I normally go after breakfast on Saturday morning, but with Mom asking for my help my plans got derailed,” I admit.
He nods and kisses me softly before leading me out of my bedroom. I’m pleased as hell to find he’s cleaned up the clothes we left in our wake last night. It’s only once he’s slid my coat into place that he leads me outside and toward his truck.
I don’t even think of asking where we’re going until we only ride a few blocks from my place and pull up in front of a cute little house, one I hadn’t even realized had sold. Walker winks at me when I look at him in surprise.
“I was a little surprised as well when I realized we lived so close together. I have no idea how I missed you, Morgan,” there’s regret in his voice that has me falling a little deeper for him.
I won’t be saying it out loud yet, but I can admit to myself I am falling for this man. There’s something so easy about being around him. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before, and I want more of it; having this feeling for the rest of my life won’t be nearly long enough.
Walker shoots me a look which has me pulling my hand away from the door handle and twining my fingers together on my lap.The smile he shoots me is triumphantly smug before he hops out and comes around to my side. While he helps me down, his touch, filled with gentle care, makes my heart flutter.
The moment Walker swings his front door open, I hear the sound of heavy paws against the floor and my eyes widen. “Roscoe. Sit,” Walker commands.
The giant, fluffy as hell Alaskan Malamute comes to a stop and sits. He’s looking between us with excitement in his eyes. He has heterochromia making one of his eyes a bright blue and the other hazel. He’s gorgeous.
“Oh my,” I gasp before turning to glare at Walker. “You left your dog here alone all night? Why didn’t you say something? I would never have invited you in if I knew your dog was waiting at home for you.”
Walker hooks his arm around my neck and tugs me until I’m plastered against his chest. “I fed Roscoe before going out last night and he has a doggy door. He can get in and out as much as he wants or needs. I also made sure to take him on an extra long walk yesterday and played ball with him out back. But it’s awfully sweet that you want to take up for him.”
I deflate a little bit while feeling a little bit guilty for accusing him of not taking proper care of his dog. Considering Roscoe is still sitting and patiently waiting, he’s well trained and he doesn’t look like he’s hurting for food. With how fluffy he is it wouldn’t be easy to tell though.
“Is he nice? Can I pet him?” I worry my bottom lip, desperately wanting to bury my hands in the scruff of his neck and snuggle with him.
Walker narrows his eyes and warns me, “You aren’t allowed to love my dog more than me.”
I giggle, thinking he’s joking but he doesn’t start to laugh with me. “He’s a dog,” I hiss at the ridiculous man in front of me.
He only shrugs in response, his shoulders only dropping after I continue to stare up at him. “Fine,” he sighs like I’m the one being ridiculous. “Yes, he’s nice. He would love your pets. He’ll make a good guard dog for you and whatever kids we have in the future.”
His words make my stomach clench, but before I can even process them, he kisses my forehead and walks away while saying something about making breakfast over his shoulder. I’m stunned, standing there with only Roscoe keeping me company.
Sure he said something last night about kids, but that was in the heat of the moment. Or so I thought.
Roscoe nudges my hand with his nose, and I jolt a little bit. He’s looking up at me with his beautiful eyes like he knows I need some love. I drop down to the floor and wrap my arms around his neck while burying my face in the soft fur there.
“I think your master might be a little cuckoo,” I whisper.
Roscoe crawls into my lap and huffs out a sound which must be an agreement. It should scare me, but it makes me feel safe.
And now he’s cooking me breakfast?
Marry him. Right away.
I shake my head and focus on loving Roscoe. Apparently he’s not the only one who is cuckoo.
For the last two days all I’ve been able to think about was Morgan. I’m not surprised I’ve become obsessed with my woman, not after spending time with her. Still, the need to see her, the way it consumes me, sometimes takes my breath away. Before she came into my life, the thought of settling down wasn’t abhorrent or anything, but I wasn’t racing toward it.
I can’t imagine not having her in my life now. There’s a desperate need in me to have her in my bed every night. She’s not ready for it, but I can’t help the way I need her.
There has to be a way to get her into my place sooner rather than later. I’ve had some very non-police man like thoughts on the matter and have dismissed every single one. It would go against the man I am to do something completely unhinged to get her to move in.
Maybe I’ll just start moving my stuff into her place withouther realizing it. A slow takeover.
But her place doesn’t have a doggie door for Roscoe and mine is a little bigger with two spare bedrooms instead of just her one. Then there’s the fact that she’s renting her place, but I bought mine since I used money from the sale of Dad’s house.