“You know exactly what is between us. This,” he gives me more of his weight and instead of being suffocating, it’s comforting, “is very real. I’ve never felt anything like what I felt the first time I saw you. It was like everything made sense for the first time in as long as I can remember. You made it make sense. This is real and you can be scared all you want, but I’m not going to allow you to push me away.”

My eyes slide closed, and I soak up his words, allowing them to make me feel stronger, capable, and ready even with how big they are. And they are big. Huge even. The biggest.

“I’m not the girl who picks someone up at a bar and takes them home,” I try and deflect a little while also giving him a slice of my worries.

“Give me your eyes, Treasure,” he demands, and I have to comply. Our gazes lock and there’s a softness in his eyes, one which coaxes me to trust and to listen. “First off, you didn’t pick me up at a bar and take me home. I’m the one who picked you up and the only reason I brought you here instead of taking you tomy place was because I wanted you to be comfortable. It might be a minor distinction, but it’s important.”

I murmur, understanding making me feel a little dazed, “Because it’s all about my comfort?”

“That’s right,” there’s praise in his words as he smiles down at me. “But make no mistake this wasn’t some random hookup or a one-night stand.” His gaze sharpens as he looks at me, an intensity seeping out of him and making me feel on edge. “The fact that we’ve known each other for a little while doesn’t matter. What happened last night isn’t a black mark against you and no one will judge you for it.”

I scoff and shake my head, “I thought you were from a small town, Walker. You should know how it can be sometimes. I’ve always been a good girl,” his lips curl into a smile which has my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion, “and people will be talking about the fact that I left with you.”

“Let me talk.” He kisses my forehead and then trails kisses over my skin like he’s trying to mark every inch of me. His body pressing down on mine, so close I can feel his heart thud against my own right along with every breath he takes. “I know you’re agood girl,” he emphasizes the words in a way which makes me wet, “but that’s not why what happened last night isn’t going to end up being a big deal.”

Absently, because I’m dazzled by him, I ask, “Oh?”

“They don’t matter, we matter. You’re my woman,” my heart melts with his declaration, “and that’s all that is important.”

My heart desperately wants to believe him. It starts to pound harder in my chest because of how badly I want him to mean every word.

He pulls back just enough to look at me. And, holy shit, does he look at me. I’ve never been looked at as if I’m a work of art before, like I’m sunshine and magic. It makes me feel a little lightheaded.

“You’re mine,” he murmurs. “Say it.”

“I’m yours,” the words slip from me without thought or hesitation.

As they echo around us, definitive and strong, I know they’re true. Have I ever said anything truer? I don’t think so.

How odd.

“And I’m yours,” his voice is soft, but his words hit the middle of my chest like a sledgehammer.

Walker lowers his head to kiss me, just a soft press of his lips against mine. Before he can deepen it or anything else can happen, my stomach decides it’s time to mutiny and makes an embarrassing sound. I can feel my cheeks heat, but Walker just smiles.

And his smile is disarming and charming in its boyishness. It’s kind of disgusting—if disgusting means adorable and endearing as hell. Yup, totally gross.

Walker laughs, the sound rich and throaty, before he climbs off me and then picks me up from the bed. I let out a shriek when I realize I’m still naked after last night. While I wasn’t a virgin or anything, being casually naked around anyone is not something I’m used to.

He sets me down and turns me toward the ensuite bathroom. With a smack to my ass he groans, “You better go and do what you need to do before the need to be buried inside of you overrides my need to take care of you.”

I look over my shoulder at him with wide eyes, but the way he’s looking at me—full of hunger and need—has me heading toward the bathroom to get my normal morning routine done. When I step back into my bedroom, wishing my robe had been hanging in there when I needed it the most. But, no, it’s hanging on some hooks on my closet door where I put it before getting dressed yesterday morning. Just my luck.

Walker’s head snaps up from where he’s sitting on the edge of my bed. He’s now fully dressed, which just reminds me how naked I am. With a crook of his finger, he calls me closer to him. For some strange reason I can’t even begin to comprehend, my feet take me closer to him before I even realize what is happening.

When I’m standing in front of him, his eyes get even darker as he takes me in. I want to cover myself and fidget, but the warning in his gaze stops me. A wild need pulses under my skin; it’s a warning and a promise of what is to come.

“You’re a damn vision, Treasure,” his voice is husky and sends a shiver down my spine. My shoulders relax with his praise. It also turns me on. “As much as I want to keep you naked like this, it’s time to get dressed.”

Before I can turn toward my dresser and closet to grab clothes, he’s holding out a pair of panties for me. My mouth falls open as I look between the panties and him. I squeak out, “Are you really going to dress me?”

“What does it look like?”

The challenge in his voice does me in. I might be more reserved about most things, but I do have a competitive streak. I could blame it on having Jared as an older brother, but it’s all me.

With my hands on his shoulders, I step into the panties and try not to melt into a puddle as he glides them up my legs and into place. He doesn’t stop until I’m fully dressed in a bra which matches my panties, a cozy sweater, and my favorite pair of jeans. Oh, then there are the socks and boots to complete the outfit.

“While you were in the bathroom, I checked out your fridge. There’s not much in there to eat, Treasure,” there’s admonishment in his tone that has me looking at the floor.