Page 92 of Melting the Ice

“Yeah. Great goal.” I clapped along with the crowd and stared up at the jumbotron so I could see who actually scored it.

Focus, Josie. Focus.

The Stampede was now up two to one, thanks to Santa’s goal. I didn’t even remember seeing him get the puck.

Sitting back down, I took a sip of my soda. I needed to stop drooling over my boyfriend so my brother wouldn’t catch me.

My boyfriend.

“This game is going to be tight. It already looks chippy,” Ray said, popping a nacho in his mouth.

“Yeah. They’re feisty tonight. Micah slammed into that guy so hard.”

“Kind of his job. He’ll be fine.”

“Yeah. I know.”

“Hey, is Harper here? I want to meet your new roommate,” he said.

“You don’t have to check up on me, you know. Harper is very normal and nice,” I muttered.

He knocked his shoulder into mine. “You’re my sister and I love you. Of course, I want to meet your new roommate. And I have to say, Denver seems to suit you. I’m glad you’re happy here.”

Ugh. I felt like a total asshole.

“Uh, thanks. Love you, too. And I promise you’ll get to meet Harper at the bar tonight.”

“And all your coworkers. It’s crazy that you ended up working at the team bar, just hanging out with hockey players all the time. They all try to flirt with you, don’t they?”

“They can try, but I just like hanging around with them.”

“I bet Micah warned them off.”

I swallowed hard. He had, but not for the reasons Ray was thinking of. Obviously.


Three hours later, after the Stampede squeaked out a win, I walked into Tipsy, my nerves on edge. It would be fine. My coworkers had my back, and it would be fine.

“Man, Micah railed Bruzzy after that hit on Sweets. I know he doesn’t fight a lot, but I’m glad I’ve never been on the end of his fist,” Ray said, following me inside.

A few people said hello or waved at me as we walked through the amped-up crowd.

“Micah’s got a mean right hook. Took Bruzzy right out,” one of the regulars said to me as we passed by, his grin wide.

“Bruzzy deserved it, taking a cheap shot at Sweets. That hit was dirty as hell,” someone else said. “I’m buying Micah a drink when he gets in. Sure he’ll be here soon.”

“Hey, Josie, who’s this?” Glen, another regular, asked when we got to the corner of the gleaming bartop. “Micah know him?”

“Yeah, he’s my best friend,” Ray called out, his gaze darting between Glen and me.


“Hey, you must be Josie’s brother, Ray. I’m the owner, Simone,” my boss said. “We love Josie.”

I flashed a grateful smile her way, and she gave me a wink. She had my back.

Ugh. I should’ve just told Ray everything already.