Page 88 of Melting the Ice

“Sounds great. You know, I could eat. Let’s grab a late lunch, and you can tell me all about it.”

I turned my head slightly and gave him a smile. “Yeah, let’s do that.”

And then we would go to the game, and I’d try my best not to drool over my boyfriend.

That still sounded weird.

Chapter 18


Ibounced my leg and fidgeted with the game controller in my hand later that afternoon. I’d had a very short pregame nap with Josie before she left to pick up her brother, and now I was at the arena, finishing my pregame ritual with some PlayStation and spending time with my teammates. I didn’t even know why I bothered trying to play because I sucked at video games—give me a jigsaw any day—but it was part of my prep, so here I was, nervous as fuck and about to get my ass handed to me by Tally in some random game I didn’t give a shit about.

“Dude. Why you so twitchy?” Tally asked, quirking a brow in my direction.

Dom chuckled from the other side. “Because his bestie arrived today and said bestie still doesn’t know that Micah is sticking it to his sister.”

“Hey, fuck off. Don’t talk about her like that,” I bit out.

“Hey. Don’t be so grouchy. I’m just enjoying that it’s not going to be me getting my ass kicked by an angry brother for once.”

“Same,” Tally said with a grin. “Not that Christian really cared about me and Cora. Okay, he was a bit mad at first, but he got over it quickly. You know, it could be the same with Ray. He might be happy for you.”

I groaned. “It’s not me. I want to tell him. But Josie wants to wait a bit longer, and I stupidly agreed.”

“Is she afraid Ray will kick your ass?” Dom asked, smirking.

“Not a chance,” I boasted. “I mean, I should probably let him get a shot or two in for lying to him.”

“And banging his sister,” Dom added.

“Fuck off.”

“So why does she want to keep it a secret?”

“And you made us confide in you about Ally and Cora, so fess the fuck up,” Dom said.

Tally nodded in agreement.

“Fine. She thinks that we rushed into this, and she has a history of doing that. Honestly, she just knows what she wants and goes for it. It’s hot as hell. But her family, including her brother, can be judgy, so I’m letting her decide when to tell them, even though I want to say something now.”

“You do know that, between our gossipy teammates and her working at Tipsy, the chances of this not coming out at some point while he’s here are like zero, right?” Tally said.

Dom smiled. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“I mean, I’m not going to go out of my way to make it obvious. I’m not a dick. But if the truth comes out, I won’t be upset. And I already asked the team to keep it quiet. I just reminded them of how Harty went after you a few months ago.”

Dom grimaced. “Glad I could be an example. And Harty’s fine now. We’re best buds.” He paused. “Okay, maybe best buds witha not-so-thinly veiled threat directed at me if I fuck up. Which I have no intention of doing.”

“Of course you won’t. Ally and Livi are your world,” Tally said.

“Yes, they are. Did I show you the latest video? Just took it this morning. She’s so fucking cute I can’t stand it.” He beamed as he tapped on his phone, bringing up the five millionth video he had of Livi doing normal baby shit.

I wouldn’t knock him for his blatant love for his daughter. She was fucking adorable.

“It’s going to be fine. You and Josie just fit, and Ray and anyone else who might have an issue with it will see that. And if they don’t, well, just fuck ’em,” Tally said.

“Thanks, man.”