Page 117 of Melting the Ice

I snorted, and she quirked a brow.

“What? I’m just seeing the appeal of teasing you.”

She grinned. “See? Isn’t it super fun?”

“Fuck. I love you, Hurricane.”

“Love you, too, Micahtron,” she replied.

“Guys. Hey. I’m still here. Should I go get a hotel room?” Ray asked with a laugh, and I looked over Josie’s shoulder at my best friend.

This was what I wanted. Josie and me able to be open and honest about our relationship in front of my best friend. No secrets felt fucking amazing.

“Oh, hush, we’ll be good,” Josie said, shifting to look at her brother.

“Speak for yourself,” I muttered. “Ouch. You just pinched me,” I exclaimed.

“You’re causing trouble.”

“That’s usually my line to you. Guess you’re rubbing off on me. Can I rub off on you later?” I dropped my voice low for that last part.

She burst out laughing, her body shaking with glee. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

“I’m really happy for you guys,” Ray said, drawing my attention again. My best friend looked sincere, and I kept my hold on Josie, needing her pressed against my side.

“Thanks, man. I hated keeping this a secret from you, and I’m glad you guys worked everything out because I suck at secrets. Keeping how I feel about Josie from you—from everyone—is the worst.”

Josie sighed against me.

“I’m still a bit mad about the secret thing, but I guess I get it. I ended up reacting like a dick, but I’ll do my best to be fully supportive. Seriously, though, should I get a hotel room?” Ray shuddered, and I barked out a laugh.

“No. You’re only here for one more night, and I want us to hang out as much as possible before you go. That’s why you came for a visit, so we aren’t going to kick you out. But the earplugs do have merit.” Josie smirked, and her brother groaned. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”

Ray glared at her. “I don’t believe you.”

But she just shrugged and lifted up on her toes to kiss my jaw. I instantly turned toward her so her lips could meet mine in a quick kiss. I loved how open she was being in front of him. She seemed so comfortable teasing me and showing her affection. This was everything I’d ever wanted. I’d never been big on PDAs, but with Josie, I was definitely on board any time she wanted to touch or kiss me.

“Okay, okay.” She stepped back from the kiss and shot me a wink. “How about we grab another beer and hang out for a bit before calling it a night?”

“I would love that,” Ray said wholeheartedly.

Josie beamed at her brother, then flashed me another smile before heading into the kitchen to grab a few beers.

Ray moved over to me and said with a quiet voice, “I am happy for both of you, and I reacted badly this morning, but don’t ever doubt that if you hurt my little sister, I will kick your ass.”

“Good to know. And I have no plans to hurt her. She means more to me than anything in the world. I’m so gone for Josie and honestly love every second of it.”

“Glad to hear it. But also, ew, you sap.” He was grinning as he said it.

“Everyone good?” Josie asked, sliding beers across the kitchen island toward us and lifting her brow in question at me.

“Yup. Never better. Now get over here, Hurricane.”

“So, are you going to tell me how this all started? Or do I want to know?” Ray asked when we settled in the living room. Ray took the chair across from the couch where I had Josie curled up next to me.

I wanted her in my lap but figured that would be pushing my friend a bit too far.

“It’s not terrible or anything. I needed a place to stay after Blaine decided to bail on me.”