Page 104 of Melting the Ice


I bit back a chuckle. Hopefully, we’d laugh about it one day. I didn’t love that Josie looked a bit green. And I hated that it made me second-guess her feelings. She was all in; I knew it deep down. But I wanted to hear her say it.

Yeah, I hadn’t told her that I loved her yet, but now, while she was mid-panic, didn’t seem like the right moment.

“Get dressed already,” she muttered, yanking on one of my shirts. Probably wasn’t going to help her brother not lose it, but I did love her in my clothes.

“I can hear her in there,” Ray barked through the door.

“Hold on a second,” I called back, pulling on the rest of my clothes. I turned to look at Josie. “You good?”

She laughed weakly. “No.” Then she ran her hand over her tousled hair. “Do I look a mess?”

“Nope. You look stunning. And we’re doing this together, so come here.” I linked my fingers with hers and drew her close. I brushed a kiss across her forehead. “It’ll be fine.”

Then I opened the door.

Ray looked pissed, his gaze darting between me and Josie. The color in his cheeks was high from agitation.

“What the fuck,” he bit out before focusing on his sister. “Want to tell me why you’re in his bedroom looking like he just fucked you?”

“Whoa, dude. Don’t you dare talk to her like that.” I couldn’t hold my anger back.

“Seriously, Ray,” she said, her body pressed to my side.

“How long has this been going on?” he asked.

“We’re together,” I said, giving her hand a squeeze. Ray’s dickheadedness was pissing me off right now.

“For how long? So, you’ve been lying to me?” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at both of us.

“We are dating and didn’t know how to tell you,” Josie said.

Ray huffed. “Dating, huh? And why aren’t you answering my questions? Why didn’t you just tell me instead of lying to me?”

“Because we’re still figuring stuff out. I’m your sister, and he’s your best friend. It could get messy.”

“And let me guess, you don’t know how long you’ll stay here anyway, right?”

I wanted to punch the asshole’s sneer off his face.

Josie stiffened next to me, and I gritted my teeth. Ray was on thin ice right now, but she answered him before I could say anything.

“I really love it here and have no plans to leave anytime soon.”

“You never stay in one place for long, Josie. We all know that. It’s just who you are. And then what happens? Micah’s steady; his life is in Denver, and he gets invested. You’re the opposite.” Ray’s tone was matter-of-fact, like Josie leaving was a foregone conclusion.

“That’s not fair.” Her tone was measured, and I knew she was trying to stay calm. The urge to hit Ray was overwhelming.

“Maybe, but I don’t want you to hurt my best friend.”

I’d had enough.

“You need to watch what you say. Want to be mad? Direct that shit at me, not her. Josie is an amazing woman, and we’ve fallen for each other. We’re going to figure this out, and you arenotgoing to be a dick about it. I wanted to tell you ages ago, but she wanted to wait, and now I can see why. You’re my best friend, Ray, but Josie is my girlfriend. A woman I’m lucky to call mine.” I heard her gasp my name, but I wasn’t done. “I’m sorry that we lied to you, so fucking sorry; you have to believe that, but you cannot be an asshole to her about it.” I paused and looked at Josie, giving her what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

“So, you’re together now?” Ray asked.

“Absolutely. And to just put all of our cards on the table, she’s also been living with me.”