I was going to need a bigger shovel for the hole I was digging. Holding my facial expressions neutral, I glanced at my brother. His eyes were still narrowed in question, but he seemed to be buying it.
“Didn’t he need his truck to get to the arena?” Ray asked. “And he already had morning skate. He’s there now to get ready for tonight’s game.” He chuckled. “You need to go to more hockey games. I bet Micah would get you tickets whenever you wanted them.”
Did my laugh sound weak? “Oh yeah, I’ll have to hit him up for a game or two. It was nice of him to get us tickets for tonight. And I’ve been to a few with my new friend, Harper. She’s dating one of the defensemen, Connor Horton.”
Dig. Dig. Dig.
“And he said he was going in with one of the other guys when he dropped off the keys.”
Non-cha-lant. Be non-cha-lant.
Or I could’ve just told my brother the truth: I was in love with his best friend, and we were getting down and dirty on the regular. I should probably leave that last part out.
I shoved down the heat that was currently churning through my body. Damn, I really was going to miss sleeping next to Micah for the next few days while my brother was here.
Micah was probably right; we should’ve just told him. But no, I had to hold back, and now I was bullshitting my way through this even as I knew it was just going to make things messier when the truth came out.
“Josie.” Ray’s voice broke through my spiral.
“Yeah? Sorry. Thinking about some work I have to finish tonight. Ready? We should go. Micah gave me an extra key, too, so I can let you into his place. You hungry? We could grab a late lunch or something? I have one more dog to walk today as well. You could come along if you want.”
“You’re rambling.”
“Am not. I’m just very busy today.” I tried to sound stern, but he reached out and tugged the side of my hair.
“So easily distracted.” There was no judgment in his tone this time; it was light, but it still stung. I was fully aware of how my family viewed me. Ray wasn’t nearly as bad as my parents, but he wasn’t immune to passing judgment, so I’d been waiting for it.
“You spending a lot of time with Micah?” he asked.
I shrugged. “Not really. I’ve gone to a few games, and the bar I work at is where the players hang out a lot, so I see him when he stops by after a game or whatever.”
And we make out every chance we get.
“I’m glad he’s here if you need help or anything.”
I would not bristle.
“I’m fully capable of handling my own life, Ray.” I couldn’t help the huff at the end of my statement. “But I’m sure he’s very helpful.”
I found his mouth and tongue, and various other appendages, very helpful.
Shit. I needed to rein it in and focus on driving the car, not thinking about Micah driving into my body.
“Are you okay?” Ray asked.
“What? Why? Yeah, of course.”
“You made a weird noise. You feeling okay?”
“Come on, Josie. Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean anything bad by it. It’s just, you moved out here and didn’t know anyoneexcept Blaine. Micah’s like another brother to you, and I’m happy he’s out here if you need anything. I didn’t say when.”
“I’m doing just fine on my own,” I muttered.
“I bet you are. So, tell me about these jobs. I know you’re dog walking and bartending. You mentioned doing work tonight.”
I smiled. “I have an Etsy shop. Mainly illustrations, but I also work on branding stuff for some authors. It’s a lot of fun.”