Her smile was bright as hell when she lifted her head back up. “You’re welcome.” Then she swatted my ass. “Now get out.”
I leaned in and gave her one last bruising kiss before I grabbed my bags and walked toward the door.
“And get all the points. Maybe throw in a fight. You know, if the game warrants one. Ooh, you could try for a Gordie Howe Hat Trick.”
I chuckled, shaking my head at her. “I’m just a piece of meat to you, aren’t I?”
She shrugged. “But such a nice piece. Well, multiple pieces. One might say the entire package.”
“You’re terrible. Watch the games and try to stay out of trouble.”
She saluted me. “I’ll try my best, sir.”
I had to walk out of the door without another word or risk stalking back toward her. My hurricane.
Fucking hell, it was going to be a long five days.
“I really hate leaving Ally and Livi,” Dom said from the seat next to me as we flew toward Winnipeg two hours later.
“Everything good over there?” I asked.
“Yeah, yeah. Ally’s a fucking rock star mom, and Livi is such a happy baby—well, when she’s not screaming her head off because she’s hungry or tired or something.”
“She is a baby,” I replied.
“And the cutest baby ever. She’s rolling over, man. I mean, she’s trying to. It’s so awesome. Watch,” he said, pulling up a video on his phone. Livi was on the floor, rocking back and forth.
“Is it early for that?” I had no clue.
“Yeah, I think. Maybe. She’s just amazing.” Pure joy filled his eyes. Quite different from the man who was in a state of pure panic when Ally had told him she was pregnant six months ago.
“I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks, man.” He set his phone down on the tray table in front of him. “So, how’s everything going on the Josie front? Distract me.”
I chuckled. “Good. She’s great. Driving me crazy, as usual, but honestly, I can’t get enough of her.”
“You falling?” he asked.
“Fuck if I know. We’re keeping it casual and having fun.”
“And you’re good with that? I mean, I’ve never known you in a relationship or anything,” he said.
I could keep telling myself that I was okay with just casual, but it was starting to sound hollow in my head. I should just ask her outright how she felt, but I was being a chickenshit instead.
Fucking hell.
“I’m good for now. I don’t want to pressure Josie into staying if she doesn’t want to.”
Lies. All lies.
“Dude, there is no way this is one-sided. She’s as gone as you are.”
Was I getting my hopes up if I believed him?
“You’re going to have to tell Ray at some point.”