Yes. Yes, I fucking did.
I flopped back down on my bed and wondered for the millionth time what the hell I had been thinking when I agreed to let her stay.
“So, a little bird told me a funny story when I arrived for the team meeting,” Dom said as we headed down the hallway to the ice the following morning.
We’d had a quick session with video review to prep for tomorrow’s game against Chicago, finished up some light cardio, and were about to start some on-ice practice.
“What’s the latest gossip from Sin? Or was it Haldy? I swear, your linemate loves drama.”
Dom chuckled. “True, but this came from Sin…Micahtron.”
I groaned. “Fucking hell.”
“Gotta say, that wasn’t even on the list for possible nicknames for you, and I fucking loved Transformers.”
“Pain in the ass,” I muttered.
“Sin? Yeah, no kidding. Or are we referring to your new roommate? A roommate who is apparently hot and you have a clear history with? Dude. I’m hurt that I’ve never heard about her. I thought we were besties.”
I glared at my friend as he tried to look like a sad puppy or some shit.
“I’m waiting,” he taunted.
Sucking in a breath, I rolled back my shoulders. “It’s nothing. Josie is the little sister of my best friend from home. You remember me mentioning Ray, right? We’ve known each other since we were kids, and she’s been irritating me just as long. She needed a place to crash for a while, and I have a spare room. That’s all it is.” I had no plans to tell my teammates about my puzzle room, not even Dom. Hockey players were weird, and we all had our quirks or superstitions, but I didn’t see a need to go blasting mine for everyone to hear.
“Well, if that’s not a rom-com setup, I don’t know what is.”
“Oh, fuck off. She’s like a sister.”
“But she’s notactuallyyour sister.” He gave me an exaggerated eyebrow wag, and I glared at him.
“Ally get you hooked on rom-coms? You streaming Hallmark movies twenty-four seven now or something?”
Dom grinned. “You’re protesting a bit much.”
“I’m not. I’m just helping out a friend. Nothing more,” I said calmly.
“Okay, but I know all about the roommate thing.”
I snorted. “Yeah, except you knocked up your roommate before she moved in, plus had a long hook-up history with her.This is nothing like that.” Nor would it ever be because that would mean so much more than one kiss.
Fuck. A kiss that had been a mistake when it happened.
I would not think about how she’d tasted that night.
Anything beyond friendship with Josie, that walking hurricane, would be a mistake.
“You’re really quiet. You thinking about knocking her up?” Dom asked.
I spluttered.Fuck. That was the best way to describe the noise that came out of my mouth. “Are you fucking crazy? What part of just like a sister to me are you not getting, asshole?” If I repeated it enough, everyone would believe it—including me.
Dom chuckled. “Except she’s not.” He slapped me on the shoulder. “I’m just teasing you after everything with Ally at the start of the season.”
“Josie is just…Josie. And she needed a favor, some time to get back on her feet, so I’m helping her out. No big deal.” Had that come out as blasé as I was going for?