Page 61 of Melting the Ice

“Spill, lady. Spill it all,” Harper said before she even unwrapped her sandwich.

I took a big bite of my food instead.

“Ooh, that’s good,” I said after taking my time to chew and swallow. And not think about swallowing Micah’s dick.


“I’m sure that’s what you say to him.” She grinned and took a bite of her own Gobbler. “Mmm. So good.”

Screwing the cap off the bottle of water I’d grabbed, I took a slow sip. She waved her hand like she wanted me to hurry up.

“Fine. Yeah, we kissed the other night. And it turned into more.”

“And now you’re banging him all over the condo. Go, you! Get that man you’ve been crushing on.”

I giggled. “I really shouldn’t give you too many details because he would kill me if it got out. He’s quiet about stuff, we all know that,” I said.

“I promise, I’m a vault. I’m just happy for you and him. I’m very familiar with opposites attracting and working out. Hell, how it can work out.” She fanned herself.

“You’re ridiculous. And we’re just having fun and hooking up. No convos about the future or anything.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

I shrugged. “It’s fine.” Then paused. “And no, don’t say anything. It really is fine. We’re having fun, and I never settle down for long anyway.”

“Don’t bullshit me. You told me about that kiss years ago and you’ve been teasing him since you moved in, but I don’t for one second believe you don’t have feelings, like real forever feelings for him.”

“I mean, yeah. I’ve always had a thing for him, and he apologized for his dick response from years ago. I’m okay with all of that. But we’re so freaking different, and I don’t want to think about too far out. I just want to have fun for now.”

I took another bite of my sandwich to stop talking. Yeah, I would always want him, but I wasn’t going to assume this was a long-term relationship for either of us. Living in the moment was my thing, and that’s all I was going to focus on.

“Okay, we’ll skip the feelings talk. As long as you are having fun and you’re not ignoring how you feel, you can enjoy your bubble. But back to the fun stuff. Is he amazing? I bet he is. Those quiet ones.” She grinned, knowing full well what it was like to be with a guy that was more reserved.

“Seriously, the stuff that comes out of that man’s mouth.” I blew out a breath. “He’s lethal, and I’m loving every second of it.”

“Ooh, Micah’s a dirty talker. I could totally picture that.”

Heat fluttered in my belly. “You have no idea.”

We spent the rest of lunch talking about fun stuff—our work, the guys, and upcoming games. And I tried not to think about how Micah would feel if I told him I wanted to see where we could go. My feelings were getting deeper by the day, but could we really have a future together?

Chapter 13


Josie and I had settled into a routine over the last week, and it was fucking bliss. Yeah, she screwed up my pregame nap ritual, but apparently having sex before each home game made me more than ready to go, so I wasn’t complaining.

“You’re coming tonight, right?” I asked.

She winked. “I definitely hope so.”

I tugged her against me. “Oh, you can count on that. But you need to come to the game because it turns out we lose when you’re not in the arena.” I leaned down and nuzzled her neck.

She gasped lightly. “You can’t blame that on me. I mean, yeah, the last three home games you’ve lost were when I was working at Tipsy, but I’m not taking responsibility for those losses.”

“Is it weird how sexy I find it that you know team stats right off the top of your head? Even if it’s how long our losing streak is?” I murmured against her skin. Her soft chuckle turned into a groan when I nipped her jaw and bathed the spot with mytongue before pulling back to meet her gaze. “I like seeing you in the stands cheering me on. It’s hot as fuck.”

“Believe me, watching you on the ice is such a turn-on. Even when you fight. So hot. I mean, don’t fight and get hurt, but yeah, yum,” she said, lifting one hand from my shoulder to fan herself.