“Yeah, I forgot who I was talking to. Give me the little monster. Did he pee yet?”
“Yep. And he’s fully potty trained now, so your dad should be happy about that.”
Rylie waved her hand. “Ignore his gruff. I think he secretly loves Biscuit.”
“If you say so,” Edwin said, handing the leash to Rylie. “Have fun.”
“Thanks,” she said before Edwin headed back down the hallway.
Rylie crouched down and ruffled the puppy’s ears. “Maybe we can convince my dad to get a rescue pup, but you have to be extra cute around him. And no peeing on the ice.”
Biscuit let out an adorable bark and then tried to lick her face.
“So cute.”
Rylie peeked her head into Brenda’s office to let her know she was taking Biscuit to practice, and then they walked to the elevator. She texted her dad to remind him so he wouldn’t be surprised when she showed up. They’d made sure to schedule it toward the end of practice.
“Anyone looking for a distraction from my ruthless father?” she asked as she stopped next to the bench on the edge of the ice.
“Who are you calling ruthless?” her dad asked.
“Pretty sure she means you, Bugs,” Seibs said.
“Bugsy. Bugsy. Knock it off with this Bugs shit. You’re almost as bad as Baz,” her father grumbled. Rylie had learned recently that her father and Seibs had played on the same team years ago as linemates. Their chemistry had translated to coaching well together. But they also enjoyed teasing each other like she assumed they had done when they played.
“I’ll take him,” Harty said, coming up to grab Biscuit’s leash.
“Thanks. I’d definitely slip out there,” Rylie said, crouching down to unhook the leash from Biscuit’s Strikers-themed collar. Their team mascot always had to look the part.
Rylie sat down on the bench, laughing as the guys played with Biscuit, holding out their sticks for him to try to run after or gently knocking a puck toward him. She pulled out her phone and made sure to get some videos and pictures since the fans were always asking for more.
“Hi,” Desmond said, sliding onto the bench next to her.
“Umm…What are you doing?”
“Hanging out next to my girl while everyone is focused on that cute dog slipping on the ice.”
His girl.Ugh, she loved the sound of that.
“Relax. It’s not like I’m going to kiss you in front of everyone. I’m just taking a breather. Bugsy worked us hard today. Just try not to give me that look you have when I’m inside you and we should be good.”
She gasped. “Are you for real?”
“Every part of me.”
“Oh my god. You are terrible. Don’t say shit like that when I’m supposed to act like I don’t want to kiss you right now.”
She saw his shoulders tense. Two could play at that game.
“Naughty, naughty Rylie. I’m going to have to sit on the ice to cool down now.”
She laughed and a few of the guys looked in their direction.
“And that’s my cue to get back out there. See you at my place tonight for dinner.”
“Of course,” she whispered, keeping her attention on Biscuit and not on the man beside her.
She watched him skate away and took in a deep breath. Now she needed the day to fly by so she could kiss the hell out of him later.