Page 18 of Rookie Move

“If you two are done, we have season ticket holders to call. Baz, you can sit at this desk.” Rylie pointed to the desk next to Desmond.

Her brain was grateful that Baz was here, and that a few of the other guys would be joining them.

Her body was a different story. She caught Desmond’s gaze before turning away from him.

Stupid body had a mind of its own and she had no time for that.

“How’s the name contest for our new teammate going?” Baz asked.

“We have a ton of entries so far. Some of the names are crazy.”

“Anyone submit my name?” Baz asked.

“What? Chewy?” Desmond said with a chuckle.

“No. Asshat. Max is a respectable, strong name. A great puppy name,” Baz said.

“I think we have at least one submission for every player’s name and nickname so far. We’re running it for another week and will announce it opening night at puck drop,” she said.

She was thrilled at the response so far. Now she had to come up with another idea that Brenda liked. She had a few floating around but wasn’t ready to suggest anything yet.

“Hey guys, how are the calls going?” Brenda asked when she walked around the corner and spotted them.

“This one keeps chitchatting. Not sure why you picked him to make calls,” Baz said, motioning to Desmond.

“Please. I’m halfway through my list. Some of us can multitask,” Desmond teased back.

Brenda laughed. “Well, I’ll let you guys get back to it. Rylie, how are we looking on the meet and greet?”

“Finalizing with a few vendors and I’ll have everything to you this afternoon,” she said.

“Great,” Brenda said before heading back down the hall to her office.

“I can multitask,” Baz grumbled.

Rylie enjoyed their bickering. She knew that they used to play together years ago, before Baz joined the Strikers.

Yes. She’d continued her Google search of all things Desmond. For work, naturally.

The two of them acted like she imagined siblings would. Not that she would know, because her mother never wanted more kids after she’d gotten what she wanted from Rylie’s dad.

She still had an unanswered message from her mother. She’d respond eventually, but Rylie was enjoying spending time with her dad and immersing herself in his world. She didn’t want her mother to spoil that.

It’d taken years to realize that Amber Malone wasn’t the victim she’d always implied. She’d painted her ex-husband as a careless and uncaring father to his child. A cheater who wanted nothing to do with a wife and daughter. Rylie still hadn’t forgiven her for those lies.

Rylie’s phone dinged on her desk, pulling her out of her messed-up memories.

Unknown:Are you okay?

Unknown:It’s me. Desmond. You looked sad for a minute.

Rylie looked up, meeting his gaze. His half-smile warmed her through.

She tapped on the text.

Rylie:How do you have this number?

Desmond:It was in an email when Brenda asked us to do these calls.