“Can we not do this here? In the middle of the hallway?”
“So you do want to talk to me?” he asked, continuing to goad her.
“Ugh, I wanted to apologize for how I reacted at work that first day, but you are making it very difficult right now,” she said, and then huffed.
He shook his head. “Sorry, I’m acting like an ass, aren’t I?”
“Yep,” she said before glancing down the hall toward the rest of the guests.
“No one is watching right now,” he said.
“You don’t know that.” She grabbed his hand and tugged him through the door across from them, to what appeared to be an office. Bugsy’s office.
She dropped her hold and turned to face him. “Look. We are going to be around each other, and I don’t want it to be too awkward. I’m sorry for brushing you off at the office, but I was so freaking shocked, I didn’t know what to do.”
“I know that.”
“So can we just forget that night?”
“Do you want to?” he asked softly. What the hell was he doing?
Her eyes widened, and he didn’t miss her indrawn breath. He’d started out teasing her because riling up Rylie was surprisingly fun, but it had morphed into something else, and all he could think about was kissing her.
Not his smartest idea, but then she drew her lower lip into her mouth and he was transfixed.
“You know it’s best if we forget that night. My father would lose his mind, and I don’t date hockey players, especially ones on my dad’s team. I’m also not going to be a rebound.”
“Wow. Okay. Let’s not bring my ex into this. You’ve been researching me?” he asked.
“That’s part of my job,” she said, but he didn’t buy it for a second.
“You’re not a rebound, Rylie. And as stupid as this might be, I can’t stop thinking about you. I should care that you’re Bugsy’s daughter, but right now, all I want to do is kiss you,” he said.
“What?” she sputtered, her eyes dark.
He let out a sardonic laugh. “Yeah, not the smartest of ideas, but there it is.”
She laughed. “Not the best way to convince a girl to kiss you, Desmond.”
Then she took a step closer. “I should walk out of this room right now.”
“Probably,” he said, inching toward her.
“My dad,” she started.
“Isn’t here, and he’s sure as shit not a part of whatever this pull is between us. You feel it too, right?”
Please say yes.
“Yes,” she whispered, standing a breath away from him, her head tilted up, her eyes locked with his. They were a swirling mix of blue and gray and they darkened with each breath she took. Each warm breath that washed over his throat made his cock harden even further.
Fuck, he’d never wanted anyone like this. Common sense be damned, he lowered his head and waited for her to meet him halfway.
“This is such a bad idea,” she said, then sealed her lips to his, her soft moan vibrating against his mouth.
He tightened one arm around her waist, his other hand cupped the back of her head, and he poured everything he had into that kiss.
If she was going to wise up and push him away, at least he was going to leave his mark on her.