Page 34 of Rookie Move

“I’m not talking about this with you. Or anyone for that matter. I know it’s not my brightest move, but she’s special, and until she’s ready to tell anyone about what’s going on, I’m not saying a word.” Then he looked Baz square in the eye. “And you better not either.”

Baz lifted one hand in surrender. “Fine. I won’t. Just know that Bugsy is going to kill you, and the gossip when this gets out could be bad. She might freak. She’s a great girl, and I’m glad you found someone like her, just don’t fuck it up if this is real.”

Desmond stared at the man in shock.

“And stop increasing your speed. You trying to get injured?” Baz said, and Desmond laughed, knocking down his speed by a half-mile per hour.

“No. And thanks. She wasn’t what I expected, that’s for sure.”

“You going to tell me how this all started?”


“Fine. Spoilsport. I’ll get it eventually.”

The determination in Baz’s eyes was unsettling.

“What’s going on over there? Is he bothering you, Nessie?” Finn asked.

“I never bother anyone. I’m a freaking delight and you know it,” Baz fired back.

Desmond barked out a laugh. “He has a high—and misguided—opinion of himself, doesn’t he?” Desmond said with a grin.

“It is accurate as fuck. Jealousy is not an attractive quality, Nessie.”

The rest of the guys laughed and Desmond couldn’t be happier to be a member of this team.

“Alright, Chatty Cathys, I’m trying to get a workout in. Stop distracting me,” Baz said as he pumped his arms and ran on the treadmill.

“Certifiable,” Jake said with a chuckle.

Desmond finished up his jog and then grabbed the bike next to Finn.

“Couldn’t take it anymore, could you?” Finn asked, tipping his head toward Baz.

“He means well,” Desmond said.

“We’re going to kick Chicago’s ass tonight, right?” Baz shouted.

“Damn straight,” Jake replied.

“Alright. I’m off to take a quick shower. See you guys at practice,” Baz said twenty minutes later.

Shortly after that, Desmond headed back to his condo for another shower. He couldn’t stop thinking about what Baz had said. They’d never really thought it through. What would happen when everyone—including Bugsy—found out? For him, it was awhenand not anifbecause he was all in with Rylie, and he had to hope that it was the same for her.

Chapter 9

“Your mom textedme last night,” Rylie’s dad said as she took her first sip of coffee Sunday morning.

“What? Why?” she sputtered, setting down her cup before she dropped it. Today was supposed to be relaxing. She planned to read by the pool and then meet some of the WAGs for drinks and to discuss Halloween costumes for Harty’s party in two weeks.

Then, if all went well, she was going to spend the night—or at least part of the night—in Desmond’s bed. She still hated the secrecy, but she wasn’t ready for the judgment that would come from her dating a player.

“You have been ignoring her. She was very upset,” her father deadpanned.

“I texted her two weeks ago. We both know she wants to lay another guilt trip on me for moving in with you. I’ll call her next week, I promise.”

He reached out and put his hand on hers, squeezing gently. “I am sorry that I didn’t try harder when you were younger.”