Page 83 of Going All In

Chapter 16

“Rudy, what didyou think about this case? How would you set up the research parameters?” Darcy asked during her study group Wednesday night. Ten students had shown up, six of whom were regulars during her office hours. Talking through everything with classmates had always helped her when she’d taken the course, so that’s how she tried to run her group.

She listened to the students debate different methods after Rudy gave his opinion. Some points were more realistic than others. She offered her input but mainly acted as a moderator for their discussion.

She scanned the list of topics and questions she’d planned to address tonight. Some were meatier than others, and a few of the students here tonight were known to go off on tangents just to argue, so she had additional questions to steer the conversation in case that happened. The students had a big project due in two weeks, so she wanted to make sure they were all prepared.

An hour later, they wrapped up with their final questions and Darcy headed home. She debated going to Jake’s. That desk chair was wonderful and he was in Chicago so she would have blissful silence, but she didn’t want the temptation of falling asleep in his bed, surrounded by his scent. She’d done that last night after he’d flown out earlier in the day to Winnipeg for a game.

She’d even sent him a picture of her covered in just the top sheet to show him what was waiting for him when he got back. Tasteful, of course. Pictures could always be leaked or hacked.

It’d been very girlfriendy of her. For appearances, of course.

Of course—you’re so full of it.

No. She was going back to her apartment.

That was the smart thing to do.

A short while later she walked into her apartment. Ally was stationed on the couch watching some trashy TV show that Darcy could never get into.

“Hey, stranger,” Ally teased. “Fancy seeing you around here.”

“Very funny.”

“I know the guys were in Winnipeg last night, so where were you?”

“Jake gave me a key, and I stayed at his place. I can’t resist the office he set up for me. Oh, yeah, and the silence,” she deadpanned.

“Harsh, Darc. So harsh,” Ally said, pretending to be offended. “Now, let’s step back a minute. A key, you say?”

“What? It’s for the ruse.”

“You are so full of shit.”

“And for a quiet place to study,” she continued, lamely.

“Did you snuggle in his bed? I bet it still smelled like him.”


Ally laughed softly. “Oh man, you’ve got it bad.”

Darcy sat down on the couch next to her best friend. “Dammit, I know. It wasn’t supposed to happen. But he’s nice and sweet and really good with his tongue.”

“Keep going,” she said, quickly lifting and lowering her brows.

Darcy shoved Ally lightly. “I’m not telling you any more.”

“You’re blushing so bad right now.”

“Ugh. Leave it. I have so much work to do.” Now she was thinking about Jake and his tongue and how long it was going to be before he was home. It was only another three days.

“Go do your work and then we can order takeout and you can go back to telling me all about Jake’s tongue.”

“The worst. The absolute worst.”

“His tongue? That’s disappointing.” Ally grinned.