Page 79 of Going All In

“Yes. But not in medicine.”

“Well, you’re fucking awesome and they should see that,” he said.

He tugged her into his arms and slammed his lips down on hers, muffling her gasp. All she could do was sink into his hard body and enjoy the ride. She flattened one hand on his chest, the other landed at his hip, and she held on.

Eventually, he softened his lips against hers, darting his tongue out to trace the seam of her lips, and she parted beneath him. His arm around her waist kept her anchored to him when she feared she might melt in a puddle at his feet.

Good lord, the man could kiss every doubt, every question, every thought from her brain. She’d given up fighting it weeks ago.

“Guys, there are kids here,” a voice cut through her fog. She was pretty sure it was Penny’s, and Darcy broke the kiss, trying to get her racing heart under control.

Jake stared down at her, his blue eyes bright with a desire that probably matched her own.

“What can I say? She’s hard to resist,” Jake said, and grinned.

“You’re terrible. No more kissing me.” Darcy turned her attention toward Penny, hoping that her cheeks weren’t fiery red. “Um, he started it.”

Penny laughed. “Just keep it PG in front of the kids, okay?”

“Will do, Captain,” Jake said, saluting Penny, who shook her head and walked over to where they were assembling a toddler playset and climbing area.

“Now stop distracting me and help me fill in this area with wood chips. You’re really slacking on the job, Darcy,” Jake teased.

“You’re just as distracting,” she muttered before she pulled her work gloves out of her back pocket and started spreading out the material.


An hour later,she took a sip from a water bottle that she’d grabbed from the refreshment table. The swing sets had fresh wood chips smoothed out beneath them and she’d helped with putting the finishing touches on a climbing structure for some of the older kids.

“You look like you have a free hand; come help us in the garden,” Amanda said, grabbing Darcy’s elbow and steering her toward the colorful garden.

Amanda handed her a small trowel.

“Um, this is probably not a good idea. I once killed a cactus.”

Amanda quirked a brow. “Aren’t they supposed to be almost indestructible?”

“You’d be surprised what happens when you forget to water them for weeks and then overcompensate with too much water.”

Amanda took the trowel back and handed Darcy a shovel.

“You dig and I’ll plant,” she said, pulling a tray of flowers toward her.

“I warned you,” Darcy said with a shrug as she dug the first hole in one of the raised beds.

They chatted as they worked. Nothing too deep. Rather, they discussed how the team was doing and Amanda mentioned a few other projects that were on the foundation’s list of things to do before the season ended.

“How’s it going with Jake?”

“He’s really great,” Darcy replied.

Amanda laughed. “So much detail. I get it, you don’t like to kiss and tell. We thought he was untamable, but you’re proving us wrong. I like it,” she said, nudging Darcy’s shoulder.

“Untamable is probably a fitting description,” Darcy said.

“I think you’re good for his game. For the team. He was reckless on the ice and now he’s focused. Cheese said that’s how Jake used to play in New York before he had that horrible season, and all the other drama.” Amanda paused.

“Don’t worry. I know all about that.”