Page 74 of Going All In

Darcy slung an arm across her friend’s shoulders. “And if you want to tell me what’s going on with Dom, I’m all ears.”

“I’m good for now. I think it’s just fizzling out. Whatever it was.”

“Are you moving on?”

“Let’s not get crazy. Have you seen how hot that boy is?” Ally fanned her face and Darcy laughed.

“I saw Jake’s glorious naked ass last night. Nothing could be as hot as that,” she said. “I can’t believe I told you that.”

“Whatever. That’s what friends are for. I’ve been telling you about the glory that is hockey butt. Guess you had to see it to believe it.”

“I guess so. Now, I have to work on some research before my shift this afternoon.” Darcy stood up from the couch.

“Try not to get too distracted thinking about hockey butts, well, one in particular,” Ally said, grinning.

Darcy ignored her friend and headed to her bedroom, taking a seat at her desk. She turned on her laptop and pulled up a few studies she’d been following.

And tried not to think about how much she wished she was still at Jake’s.

Her phone beeped on her desk and she swiped it on.

Jake:Miss me yet?

Jake:I could swing by the coffee shop today for a latte and PDA.

He’d ended it with a coffee cup and lips emojis.

Darcy:I’m too busy analyzing results from a dementia study to miss you.

Jake:That’s a lie, and you know it. But I’m an understanding boyfriend, so get back to studying and try not to think about how hard I was when you woke up next to me this morning.

Darcy:I heard that happens to men every morning, even if you’re in bed alone.

Jake:That was all you, baby!

Darcy:Don’t you have practice or need to go work out?

Jake:Meeting the guys upstairs in the gym in ten minutes. Thought I’d check in with you. I’m considerate like that.

Darcy:Yet you had to bring up your cock.

Jake:It’s always up for you.

Jake:Was that too much?

Darcy:Yes. Go burn off that energy in the gym.

Jake:Have fun learning. Text me later if you need a stress reliever.

She set her phone aside and focused on her laptop. This was the last research study she had to review. She had one week left to finalize her graduation review and literature critique. She’d met with all three committee members and had to hand in her draft by next Monday.

She was so close to moving on to the next step in finishing up her master’s requirements, and getting derailed by an epic hockey ass was not an option.


For the restof the week, Darcy buckled down as much as she could. That wasn’t to say that she didn’t spend two nights at Jake’s place.

It was just easier to go home with him after a game, obviously. And sometimes he drove her to campus, or met her at the coffee shop after her shifts were over and drove her home.