“Jake. I didn’t mean to make it sound that way,” she said, grabbing his hand.
“Sorry. I get almost daily calls or texts from the man. He’s driving me insane,” Jake said, thinking about Ralph’s text yesterday about how Jake should go over the top with flowers and chocolates for Darcy today. He’d done neither. Shit.
“No talking about Ralph, then. You’re doing awesome. Your points are up and you haven’t gotten into any fights.”
He grinned. “You really have been paying attention.”
“What can I say? It appeals to my stats loving heart,” she said with a shrug, and slightly pink cheeks.
He moved back into the chair next to her.
“What are you doing? Aren’t two pictures enough?”
“We need to kiss, obviously,” he said, leaning in. He’d wanted to kiss her since she’d opened her door.
Who was he kidding? He thought about kissing her way more often than he should.
“Pucker up, girlfriend,” he said, capturing her laugh with his lips as he snapped a few pictures.
He should’ve pulled away, but her lips parted beneath his, her warm gasp against his mouth, and he couldn’t do anything but dive in and go for it. His phone clattered against the table as he wrapped his arm around her waist, anchoring her to his upper body.
When her fingers sank into his hair, he could do nothing but groan and trace her lips with his tongue.
She eventually broke the kiss, her breathing as erratic as his. Holy fuck. The woman could short out his brain with just a kiss. His pants were tight and he wanted to go back in for more.
“I think we have enough to post,” she said, her voice raspy.
He was beginning to think it would never be enough.