“What are your big Valentine’s plans?” Harty asked as he leaned against the nurses’ station with Jake.
“You haven’t even thought about it yet, have you? Bad form, Jakey. Bad form,” Baz teased.
“Shit man, do you have to sneak up on people like that?” Jake asked Baz before turning to Harty. “Didn’t we talk about getting him a collar with a bell or something?”
Baz chuckled. “I’m light on my feet. Now don’t avoid the man’s question. What’d you get Darcy for your first Valentine’s Day together? It’s the first one. Sets the tone for the future. Very important.”
Jake shook his head. “You have a lot of experience with this?”
“Sure. I just don’t kiss and tell like the rest of you clowns. So come on. Lay it on us.”
“Yeah. What’s the plan?” Harty asked. “You do have a plan, right?”
Jake tried not to wince. Of course he hadn’t thought about it. He’d never celebrated the Hallmark holiday before, but he sure as shit wasn’t going to let Harty know that.
“It’s epic and a secret. Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” he said.
“Yeah. He’s got nothing planned. Oh, Jakey, Jakey,” Baz tutted.
“I’ve got it under control. It’ll be epic,” he repeated. Now he just had to figure out what the hell he was going to do.
He didn’t even know if she was free that night. He pulled out his phone and swiped it on, tapping on his running texts with Darcy.
Jake:Hey, my wonderful girlfriend. I hope you’re free on Valentine’s Day to hang out with this stud.
He included a selfie with his bobbing heart headband. She’d never be able to resist that.
Darcy:Nice hearts. I guess I should be free.
Part of him wished that she’d sounded more excited in her reply.